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  1. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Amazing. The best Act by far.
  2. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Hey Nabber, that's actually like how I feel about my 'story'. But people (including Tabuu) were (and still are) like, 'hey its actually good what are you saying its better than most newer stories'.
  3. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Next One of Nic Cage's recent films (in a timeframe of five years), but it was pretty decent. Until the CGI HAPPENED. Nice M Night Shymala.. Shyamalalan-esque twist at the end.
  4. Rise Up Above It

    Star Wars in General (Movies, Shows, Books, Games, etc.)

    Yeah, a problem I see with it is that it could shift/ruin a lot of the Expanded Universe continuity. I'm gonna be sceptical about this new trilogy.
  5. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Death Race (partially) Star Trek: Insurrection
  6. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    That loading screen is amazing. Also leave Marowak alone :( >:(
  7. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    The Gamzee scene was great. I think I missed some scenes somehow, since the map showed Latula with Mituna and Terezi with Karkat. I'll have to replay it tomorrow then.
  8. Rise Up Above It

    Official Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit thread

    One or two more chapters then I'll be re-reading Return of the King. I need to watch the extended versions. LOTR and The Hobbit are simply amazing works, both in film and in literature. 'Nuff said.
  9. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 17 - Aldo - 20 - MySweetLord Happy Birthday for CastleTiramisu & thinass Palkia (in time)
  10. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    The Hunger Games Saw
  11. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    That place looks a lot like ExCel in London. Also, it's moive, not movie. But ahaha way to to Wikipedia!
  12. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Music Thread

  13. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Another LOTR reference yay! mY PRECIOUS,
  14. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 11 - Smiley - 17 - Aldo Happy birthday you two!
  15. Rise Up Above It

    Your Buddie List

    Hey, don't call my moirail an insane freak, Mr Guy-I've-never-heard-of. What would that make me?
  16. Rise Up Above It

    Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

    Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter 2 released! I know. Arcanine is a Legendary Pokemon.
  17. Rise Up Above It

    Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

    Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter 2 released! Just checking something for possible sign-up: are legendaries allowed on teams or as secondary team members? 'cause my character would have an Arcanine, and they're legendary.
  18. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    I also think that he's gonna meet up with Tavros and Vriska.
  19. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Music Thread

    Wow, that's a great video! Thanks Tucky for posting!
  20. Rise Up Above It

    Viral Video Topic aka "YouTube/Google Video Stuff"

    why didn't i post this sooner???
  21. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace damn jar-jar x_X
  22. Rise Up Above It

    Songs currently stuck in your head

    + every time i try to sing along to the lyrics in my mind when not listening to to song or video, up pops spidertroll's theme. so play both videos to hear into one instance of my mind.
  23. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) Well, now that angrychump is restrained in a manner similar to bart simpson, maybe they can talk things out while PM no doubt watches. Jack/Bec Noir ain't dyin' anytime soon pal. *glares at Tabuu*
  24. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) I know! She just won't let it go!
  25. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments Wait, I wasn't related to anyone via that. So am I just the pet dog??? >:[
  26. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) That'd actually be amusing, since you already did the Prospitian Problem Sleuth, Pickle Inspector and Ace Dick. Javvy, considering he's(I'm) merely defensive again, I'd say he(I) is(am) still hoping to be allowed to team up with the do-gooders.
  27. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) Yet further evidence against SiFi trying to prove that he is not actually Hussie. :poshjr:
  28. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Music Thread

    Wow, that Sky Level track was great! Also, currently loving deadmau5 ft. Gerard Way - Professional Griefers.
  29. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) Hey, most of them were worthless opponents who totally deserved it. And I'm your superior, pal. (But wtf am I meant to do with his silly gaudy swordhammer???)
  30. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) And Kurlolz.
  31. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments A run of pun fun. (And assorted nonsense)
  32. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) Why does she have to be so angry? ;_; He was actually wanting to stop killing chess people!
  33. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) Juju Breaker to destroy all the English horcruxes. Also, I totally called the Felt items being Jujus. At least in chat. I don't know if I did in here. Also, it's so cute how Bec Noir just wanted to stop fighting with Bec Blanche and team up. Why...
  34. Rise Up Above It

    Songs currently stuck in your head

    Muse - Hysteria Rammstein - Ohne Dich
  35. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Music Thread

    I could've bought it for £10 last weekend, but to make the most of my money and rage at not being able to acquire SOAD's Toxicity album at yet another HMV, I bought Rammstein's Reise, Reise; Foo Fighters' Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace; and Elbow's The Seldom Seen Kid for £22 total. 3 HMV...
  36. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) Kurloz and Meulin are awesome. Gamzee's still evil. Some people suspected that, iirc. The legs look like a new chess monster to brutally murder. :evilgrin: Mituna and Cronus much bad! Sad about the Kar/Ter ship but Meenah/Karkat is...
  37. Rise Up Above It

    Official List of Homestuck Names

    Kinda tempted to change to Kurloz Makara, but still too paranoid about and attached to my current username, Bec Noir.
  38. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 21 - FE - 28 - Mario Fan123 Sorry Iron, but dA didn't let me give you a Llama so here is a cute Eevee: (I suck at making pictures display x_X)
  39. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) Didn't it start with jadesprite x davesprite
  40. Rise Up Above It

    Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

    Re: Pokemon Black and White: Wiki Edition This seems pretty interesting. I'd like to sign up once I sort personality stuff out.
  41. Rise Up Above It

    Nintendo 3DS Market Place

    See, that's what I attempted to do. Now if people add me, they'll just have to see if I do add them. Should've just PM'd the friends I added. *shrug*
  42. Rise Up Above It

    Nintendo 3DS Market Place

    And this is the problem with leaving a friend code lying around for your friends. *FACEPAW*
  43. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!) Fuchsia Ruler is just amazing. Best thing about the new game, endless looping. Nothing was prototyped by Caliborn. That would mean something was actually placed into the kernelsprites. They simply blackhole'd (probably from trying to prototype each...