Search results

  1. winstein

    If presented an option to choose a character, would you still pick Mario?

    One of the frequent things that some fans say about Mario is that, if there presents an option to play as a different character, then Mario would not be picked as a result for various reasons. Perhaps the reason could be that a different character is normally not playable so they want to give...
  2. winstein

    Guessing the Mario games for 2025

    You thought this topic wouldn't emerge, did you? Previously, there were similar topics for 2020, 2022, 2023, and 2024, which means that we'll continue for as much as we can for 2025! Not much are known for Nintendo's schedule for 2025 since we only know Donkey Kong Country Returns HD will be a...
  3. winstein

    Question of Interest: How did Mario Party come to be the only series to still have a dedicated Handheld category, unlike other Mario series?

    I do not know if anyone noticed it, but I thought it's especially unusual that Mario Party (series) remains the only series here where handheld entries are delegated to a distinct Handheld category, while the console entries are well, the Main category. Currently, this is how it looks like in...
  4. winstein

    The Potential for Lesser-Known Playable Friendly Species

    In the Mario series, namely the spinoffs, there are many playable characters to choose from. On the friendly side, the playable characters tend to be the unique ones like Mario or Peach, or they are famous species like Toad and Yoshi. On the villain side, they also have unique characters like...
  5. winstein

    Most Playable Enemies came from older Super Mario games compared to newer (SMW2 and later) ones

    I've noticed recently that, for the Mario series, it's rare it is to have a playable enemy beyond Super Mario World. I think if we compare to the playable enemies we got in Super Mario games after Super Mario World, the number easily gets dwarfed by the amount of enemies in the first four Super...
  6. winstein

    Super Mario Party Jamboree

    It's the latest Super Mario Party game for the Nintendo Switch! Thank you for reading.
  7. winstein

    Mario is called "funny wahoo man" or "bing bing wahoo". In the same vein, what would the other Mario characters be called?

    On the internet, Mario is among other things, known for being a "funny wahoo man" or "bing bing wahoo". I cannot tell if either of these are affectionate especially based on where the latter term came from. Now I'm wonder about the other characters. For example, someone on a chat calls Yoshi...
  8. winstein

    Guessing the Mario games for 2024

    We've had this topic for 2020, 2022, and 2023, so that means another year to guess what's in store for 2024! This year, it was a bit more eventful compared to last year where there were only two Mario games. This year? We actually have 3 of them (Super Mario RPG remake, Super Mario Bros Wonder...
  9. winstein

    What toggleable options would you add in a Mario (or Mario-adjacent) series?

    Recently in an interview for Super Mario Bros. Wonder, there is this excerpt that the developers opted to remove character collision in a significant way, only leaving few ways for player interaction (riding Yoshi, reviving ghost characters): This decision didn't sit well with some players, who...
  10. winstein

    Who do you think is the eighth primary character in the Mario series?

    (Note: This was originally posted on the Mario sub-Reddit, but it's automatically deleted and I can't tell why. No word from the moderators, where at a glance, most of them are inactive for years, except for one or two) The Mario series has a lot of characters, but let's say we narrow down the...
  11. winstein

    Long term impact certain characters have on another? Mario and related series (e.g. Yoshi, Wario, Donkey Kong) wise.

    Inspiration can come in many places, but some might be more fun to know than others because they are not as obvious. So like how Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Bluto influences the dynamic of Mario, Pauline, and Donkey Kong in their first ever game. I'll start with a couple. One example would be...
  12. winstein

    Super Mario Bros. Wonder

    A new game in the Super Mario series is announced, and it's got more than 5 playable characters! Oh, and Mario gets an elephant power-up. Thank you for reading.
  13. winstein

    Guessing the Mario games for 2023

    Yes, that's right! From the topic creator of the 2020 and the 2022 threads, it's inevitable that I make a 2023 thread at this time of the year! In terms of Mario games, this year has been incredibly light, but still no less boring, thanks to Sparks of Hope and the perpetual popularity of Mario...
  14. winstein

    If you could add a character (or more) from non-games media into game existence, who would it be?

    Ah, the Mario series... it's a series that's got so many characters, and even more if you count the non-games media! Still, those introduced outside games tend to stick there, but wouldn't it be fun if there could be a chance they could appear in the Mario series to get new life breathed into...
  15. winstein

    Would a game still feasibly be a Luigi game if Mario is of equal role?

    I've looked at the list of games starring Luigi, and they have one thing in common: the tendency to put Mario in the backseat for Luigi to be the star. This decision could stem from how Mario's star power shines so bright that if he is in the title, he is expected to be the main character. The...
  16. winstein

    Which courses in Mario Kart 8 utilised anti-gravity well?

    Within Mario Kart 8, several courses utilised anti-gravity, which allows for racing on places that normally won't be drivable due to gravity, allowing for more uniquely-designed courses. The mechanic also has the perk in giving a slight boost when racers bump into each other or one of the posts...
  17. winstein

    Which characters/items would you like to see get the official plushie treatment (if they don't already have it)

    As Mario is a major series, it is natural that the love of the characters are capitalised though the release of official plushies, and in fact, even the secondary characters, the enemies, and the iconic items got the plush treatment. Here are some examples of who got official plushies, but it's...
  18. winstein

    Should Rosalina's name be universally applied?

    Many Mario characters have a name that is shared across borders, so for example, no matter if it's in Japanese, French, German, or Korean, Mario is still Mario. The same can be applied for certain characters like Yoshi, Waluigi, and Donkey Kong. This is convenient because it basically meant that...
  19. winstein

    Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

    Generation 9 is announced! The starters: Looks like Piplup's got some competition for a Water-type bird starter! Not sure if the presence of the crocodile debunks the Chinese Zodiac fire starter theory. Also, the leaf cat is interesting because it's the rare carnivorous Grass-type. Thank...
  20. winstein

    Guessing the Mario games for 2022

    In recent years, not much is known for Mario franchise games to be released for the next year, and this year is no exception. For example, we certainly didn't know that we will have a new Mario Golf, Mario Party, and WarioWare back in 2020, and the only game that we knew in 2020 that is a 2021...
  21. winstein

    Why is it that, of the Mario spin-off series, Dr. Mario did overall less well?

    In Mario's life, Dr. Mario is basically the first Mario spinoff. While you can consider certain games to reach that point first, like Golf prior to the Mario series, Dr. Mario is the first game to really be considered a start of a series, given how there are future Dr. Mario games. It is not...
  22. winstein

    Is Mario (character) more remembered for being reputable or being disreputable?

    It's no doubt that when it comes to the Mario series and the Mario games, Mario is considered reputable for the quality of the games, not to mention how trustworthy the series generally is. However, this topic is more talking about Mario as a character. In general, Mario doesn't display too much...
  23. winstein

    Here, we talk positively about less-liked Mario (franchise) media

    It's not a secret that Mario has got over a hundred games under his belt, and that number will grow. However, not every game released is universally liked, and are in fact more likely to attract criticism first and foremost. So while we have properly beloved games like Super Mario Bros., Super...
  24. winstein

    [Hypothetical] What would happen if the Mario franchise ended?

    As a preface, the Mario franchise is one of the biggest and most successful video game IPs meaning that it has no signs of stopping, so we don't need to worry about that happening. This topic is merely just discussing a hypothetical scenario, and I outline it as such to hopefully quell any...
  25. winstein

    What are some lovable mascots that are not animal-like (and also not human-like)?

    A mascot comes in all shapes and sizes, although not all of them ended up being lovable, and thus, didn't succeed as one. Based on observation, the most successful mascots tend to be animals, and one could glance at the Olympics to see that the most well-liked mascots tend to be animals while...
  26. winstein

    Should Mario non-game media have abundant references from within their history?

    Although I have not seen the recent Pac-Man and Mega Man animated series to confirm, I have read that both series did references from their video game history that could be considered fan service. The main issue with those animated series is that their art styles and settings are different from...
  27. winstein

    Gauging Popular Opinions (Current: DiC's Mario Cartoons)

    The point of this thread is that there is a poll for a limited time (probably around a week), in order to gather votes on which opinions are popular. I am not sure how long I will do this, but I hope that there are enough votes, or if I have enough topics to keep this going. The main difference...
  28. winstein

    Opinion on bigger/royal versions of regular Mario enemies?

    Throughout the Mario series, there will occasionally be a character introduced that are basically grander versions of regular Mario enemies, and some even stuck around and became regular characters. Some examples of bigger enemies that still appear include King Bob-omb, Petey Piranha and King...
  29. winstein

    What do you think the Mario franchise has in store for 2020, in terms of games?

    It's almost three months in 2020, but thus far, there aren't any Mario games (or DK, Yoshi or Wario, for that matter) announced for this year, This is interesting since most of the time the last year will have some announcement for next year, but in 2019 there weren't any Mario games announced...
  30. winstein

    Do you think the Mario franchise is unjustifiably overused by Nintendo?

    It should be obvious to anybody familiar with the video game landscape that Nintendo puts Mario in a lot of things, and in most new ventures since Mario's debut, Mario would usually be at the forefront. As an example, certain consoles got a new Mario game as one of the frontrunners, including...
  31. winstein

    What concept from a Mario series would you like to see used in another?

    Let's list down some examples of existing games lifting a concept from another, we have: Mario Party 3 using the paper aesthetic first used in Paper Mario (Nintendo 64) WarioWare (first game) utilising the micro-game concept from Mario Artist Polygon Studio and is subsequently defined by it...
  32. winstein

    Opinion on a Live Action Mario Series (NOT film)

    The Mario series has almost always been depicted as a cartoon series, which with not only the exaggerated proportions of the main characters and the various enemies, is a given. An animated series is a logical conclusion for a Mario adaptation, although it's probably not going to be interesting...
  33. winstein

    Do you think the choice of Emblems are appropriate for certain Universes?

    The Smash Bros series, since the beginning, employed emblems to signify the universe, especially more so when it's shared by multiple characters. For example, a picture of the earth is used for the Mother series, since that's included in the title logo, or that the Pokemon's emblem is the Poke...
  34. winstein

    Do you consider Yoshi to be a major Mario spin-off or its own game series?

    In case you were living under an egg, Yoshi managed to have a good amount of games under his name, beginning from not long after his debut in Super Mario World, with Yoshi (GameFreak) being the first in line. While it's true that the games are named after Yoshi, something that you might have...
  35. winstein

    Surprising References to Video Games

    Here, we talk about references to video games in other forms of media, be it a show or a comic, and yes, even video games are included by definition. I will start with a couple: 1) Steven Universe references not only Gitaroo Man, but also a crudely drawn Sonic that's nicknamed "sanic". It's one...
  36. winstein

    Count to 25 (Unique users)

    Here's a (hopefully) short game: each post increments the count by 1, but the caveat is that each user can only do this once. That's why the count is so small. We'll see if we can rally up 25 different users for this game, and to be sure: there is no resetting the count. Here's how it's...
  37. winstein

    Hotel Mario Reanimated Collab

    Similar to the Mama Luigi Reanimated Collab, this work is a collaboration between multiple animators, and it's a sight to behold. Thank you for reading.
  38. winstein

    Come the time a next Smash game comes about, which playable fighter(s) are the most likely to get cut?

    Back at E3 2018 and probably alluded to in Inkling's reveal trailer, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was officially revealed with the most fan-pleasing announcement to date: Everyone is Here! "Everyone" in this context means that every playable fighter found in the past five Smash games (note...
  39. winstein

    winstein's art that are drawn by him, take a look if you want

    Categories Shroom-related art Anton's Sparkly Gushers (June 2022) The Spirit of Christmas Kart Racing (Dec 2022 header) The ? Panel 1 (Jan 2023) - Multi-Character Variety in the Games The ? Panel 2 (Feb 2023) - Benchwarmers The ? Panel 3 (Mar 2023) - L is Not Real. Hope Springs Eternal The ...
  40. winstein

    Does it bother you that the Koopalings do not appear together?

    In the Super Mario games, the Koopalings consist of 7 uniquely-designed Koopas that often act as minibosses for each area, starting from Super Mario Bros. 3 in which they are the ones who cursed 7 different kings in 7 different kingdoms. Since then, whenever the Koopalings appear, they never...
  41. winstein

    Name a Character with one or two Main Colours

    Guidelines: 1) Use more general colour names. This is to make it easier for the next person to name a character since obscure colours are more specific and thus more difficult to guess. If you insist on using it, make sure you know at least one character with it, or you risk blocking the thread...
  42. winstein

    Which Smash Playable Characters got in at an Opportune Times?

    The playable characters found in the Super Smash Brothers series are full of variety, and the unpopular characters get to mingle with the popular characters. I daresay that certain characters could have only entered Smash as a playable character at one point of time but would otherwise be...
  43. winstein

    What describes the characteristics of your most wanted Smash fighters?

    My previous thread felt half-baked, since it has a huge bias on one side so in my eyes it's does not make for a good discussion. Therefore, I am increasing the scope of the subject by including as many possible reasons someone would want a specific character in Smash. Here's the general list...
  44. winstein

    Do you prefer new fighters to be well-known or be obscure/niche?

    Super Smash Bros. is in a very special position: no matter what the status of the fighter is, whether they are already well-known characters or they are characters from a few games from the past, they share the privilege of becoming a very well-known character that some might believe are famous...
  45. winstein

    What would be a good way to differentiate Kamek from the other Magikoopas, design-wise?

    Kamek is often viewed as the villain of the Yoshi series of games, since he is often the instigator of the trouble set on Yoshi's natural habitat. Now here's the thing: Kamek is a Magikoopa, which is an enemy that's introduced in Super Mario World. The point is, Kamek doesn't look any different...
  46. winstein

    Captain Toad (Switch) / Mario Tennis Aces: Free for a week if you have NSO (Japan: CT; NA/EU/AU: MTA)

    Japan times availability (do the math based on where you reside): August 5 (12:00) ~ August 11 (18:00) Seems like Captain Toad for Switch is free for a week (5 Aug to 12 Aug), provided that you have access to a Japanese account to download the game, plus have an active Nintendo Switch Online...
  47. winstein

    Your Favourite Ships

    The Mario series has introduced quite a lot of ships or boats, whether it's one that travels by air that Bowser regularly employs, or the traditional ship that is used to sail water. Or, for the sake of completion, one that is used to travel on land is the Landship, which is found in Mario Kart...
  48. winstein

    Your team of 6 species from throughout the Mario series, in the vein of Pokemon?

    The Mario series has a very interesting roster of monsters introduced throughout the games, under the label "enemies". Despite this though, there hasn't been a dedicated game that focuses on raising a selection of them, unlike what a few games did, such as Dragon Quest (Monsters series), Final...
  49. winstein

    Doraemon: Story of Seasons (Switch/PC) Although this game was announced back in February, it isn't until now that an English translation is guaranteed. This is a very significant thing for Doraemon because his games were largely stuck in Japan, and this is the first game to have an English...
  50. winstein

    A Mario game without the other 5 main characters and Koopa Troop?

    I just have a thought: I would be interested in a Mario game that doesn't contain any of the staple Mario characters or the enemies of the Koopa Troop. On the other hand, the game also contains other Mario characters that aren't quite staples in Mario games. My point is that characters like...