Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! What's that? You were expecting somebody else? Ah, I see. Well, Shoey had some business he needed to attend to, so he asked if I could fly in and help out. All the same, November's issue is here, so let me direct you to some highlights!
First up, we have...
Become a Volunteer Artist for The 'Shroom!
Throughout its history, The 'Shroom has been extraordinarily lucky in having not only a massive slate of writers, but numerous talented and dedicated artists from this community voluntarily put their effort and time into crafting art assets for the...
New year, new Director, and a new issue coming right at you, it's issue 202 of The 'Shroom!
A hearty congratulations goes out to Shoey and Meta Knight, winners of our Director Election and your new Director and Sub-Director, respectively! Please give them a warm welcome and lend them your...
The 'Shroom strives to provide its writers with a wide variety of tools that can be used to enhance and customize their sections beyond what's possible through basic wiki markup. Through templates, background customization options, and more, we want to give writers as much control over the look...
Happy holidays, all you readers of The 'Shroom! As strange as it may feel to file issue 200 away in the archives, it's time to move forward to issue 201. You'll notice many of the aesthetic changes are carrying forward, though!
This is where I'd usually tell you about our holiday theme, but we...
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Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! It's no trick, and it's packed with treats; issue 199 of The 'Shroom is here! Like the house that hands out the best candy on the street, we've packed in all your favorites! Find out the latest in Mushroom Kingdom sports, traverse the desert in an old Mario...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! On the incoming autumn winds (...or at least the ones which I wish were incoming…) issue 198 arrives!
As always, we have plenty for you to peruse, from comics and stories to wordgames and game guides! A number of our regular sections are doing something...
So how about those Awards, huh? We had an outstanding set of Awards ceremonies once again this year, and if you haven't checked them out yet, you should take some time to do that... after you get your weekend started with issue 197 of The 'Shroom, that is!
Yes, issue 197 is our typical...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! Did you enjoy the show last month? Hopefully you did, and hopefully you're ready for issue 196, because it is out now!
We have plenty packed into this issue for you, from hot vacation spots down on Isle Delfino to clever comics, from album reviews to...
Come one, come all! Get your tickets! Grab your popcorn and your favorite candies! The show is about to begin! issue 195 of The 'Shroom is here!
For our summer special, we're celebrating the big success of The Super Mario Bros. Movie by theming this issue around movies and cinema! Click over to...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! We're zooming through May, with big things on the horizon for this summer as Awards season kicks off, so you may want to read issue 194 of The 'Shroom to get all caught up before things pick up!
Be sure to give the Staff Notes a read this month for some...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! Issue 193 is ready for you, and there's plenty for you to see, so go and give it a read!
In addition to all of our usual offerings for you, we have a couple of pieces of news for you. First, while our highest priority this year is preparing issue 200...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom and community members in general! We have a fresh edition of the paper for you, coming hot off the presses!
We've got a little bit of everything! Whether you're in the mood for robot combat and poll analysis, for creative Miis and fun comics, for the...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! With February already more than halfway over, I'm back to posting these announcement threads! You know what that means. It's time for Issue 191 of The 'Shroom!
What do we have for you this month? Well, first off, we have Meta Knight's open call for...
Sevii Islands or Bust: A Pokémon LeafGreen Playthrough
What's up? What's this?
For years now, actually maybe a decade at this point, I have wanted to return to the Sevii Islands, one of my favorite places in all of Pokémon. FireRed and LeafGreen were among the very first games I ever played...
It's back?
Yes, indeed it is. I decided to finally put in the elbow grease needed to update my 'Shroom thread, but I also felt that I'd do better to start anew, to take a fresh crack at this.
Below, I'll keep an ongoing record of (most) of the sections I've written for the paper. Do feel free...
Hello, all of you readers (first-time and long-time alike) of The 'Shroom! It's a new year, and we have a new issue of the same old paper to help you get your year off to a bright start. In other words, that's right, it's time for issue 178 of The 'Shroom!
We have our usual offering of six...
Hello, members of the Mario Wiki community and readers of The 'Shroom, and happy holidays to all of you! We have a gift for you, and that gift is issue 177 of The 'Shroom! It's our special holiday issue, graced by a banner created by the wonderful BBQ Turtle (and with some additional artistic...
A conversation elsewhere made me start thinking about Game Notes, that little built-in application on the 3DS that you could tab into while playing a game and could use to take notes or even draw up images or maps or otherwise make hints or mark down things to remember. I think it might have had...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! Have you run out of Halloween treats yet? Worry not, for we have one more sweet treat for you to snack on here in mid-November, and it's issue 176 of The 'Shroom!
Our six usual teams offer content up to you, and the Spotlight shines its light on some...
Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! We're proud to be able to present you issue 175 of The 'Shroom, an issue celebrating 15 years of operation for this paper!
Fifteen years! Can you believe it? This community has not only been welcoming in new users and giving people a place to socialize and...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! It's the third Saturday of the month, and you know what that means! We have a new issue for you, six teams, the Spotlight, and some staff notes, all right here in issue 174!
If you're wondering what happened to the 'Shroomfest this month, well, as we...
Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom and members of the Mario Wiki community! Our Awards ceremonies last Friday? Spectacular. They were an absolute delight, and you should, if you haven't yet, go and read the ceremonies and the chat party logs. Thank you for all the support you showed our...
Hopefully you enjoyed our June special issue this year! We're leaving June in the rearview mirror now, though, and it's time for issue 172 of The 'Shroom!
This issue has our usual six teams and Spotlight in full force, but it also has the results of two events! Find out whether cool colors or...
Hello there, readers of The 'Shroom! Our writers, staff, and guest contributors and artists have been very busy these past few months working on an extra special project, and, today, we're proud to release special issue 171 of The 'Shroom!
There is quite a bit packed into this issue, so let me...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! Our June special issue and Awards polls are on the horizon, but, first, take some time to enjoy everything our staff and writers have put together for you in issue 170!
There's, of course, the Ultimate Location Battle's semi-final round (and if you feel...
Sickeningly saccharine? Perhaps so, but I still thought this thread a good idea. I figured we could have a thread where we reminisce on some positive moments, where something or someone really made us feel welcomed into the community here at the Super Mario Wiki and Super Mario Boards and we...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! issue 169 of The 'Shroom is now out! In addition to a collection of great sections for you to read in our six teams and the Spotlight, we have a few special additions we should direct your attention to.
First, off, we have the results of our Super...
Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! We have a sizeable issue for you this month, packed with content! It'll keep you reading for a while, with everything we have this month. On top of all of our usual offerings (which themselves are joined by a few new sections this month), we also have three...
February, a month of romance and burning passions for some, and dreary cold snow and grey skies for others. No matter how you feel about the month, though, our writers have prepared a treat for you that will pair nicely with your Valentine's chocolates. Issue 167 is out now, so go show your love...
Presumably, if you're on this website, you have some level of investment in fiction, in its characters, worlds, and stories. I should doubt you arrived here without some interest in Super Mario, though I wouldn't so confidently say folks here always stay fans of the plumber and his series...
Congratulations, you made it through 2020, and so did The 'Shroom! We've kicked out those alien invaders, and we have a whole host of the usual content for you (look out for some new debuts this issue, too). Please, make sure to give the issue a look right here. Don't forget that the results of...
Are you interested in signing up for The 'Shroom? The process is simple and easy:
Decide on what you'd like to write and write a sample section.
Send it in alongside your application to our Statistics Manager via any private means (forum PM, Discord message, link to a document)
Along with...
What is this board?
This board is dedicated to the Super Mario Wiki's community-driven newspaper, The 'Shroom. You can find basic information on the project here, but, to boil it down to the basics, The 'Shroom is a newspaper that comes out on a monthly basis (generally on the third Saturday...
In all seriousness, the special holiday issue 165 is out! In celebration of the 15th anniversary of Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, The 'Shroom HQ has been invaded by Shroobs! Our...
Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! It's that time of the month. Yes, that's right! A new issue of The 'Shroom is out! It's everything you've come to expect, packed with plenty of quality sections from our wonderful writers. We also have a new Spotlight staff portrait for Alex95 and Yoshi876...
No, that's no ghost rising from the graveyard! That's just our janitor, and my guess is he's rising up in this spooky month to deliver you issue 163 of The 'Shroom! It's everything you've come to expect, so please be sure to give it a read, vote in SOTM, and chat with some of our writers about...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! I know we're coming to you a few days later than we usually do, but I must thank you, on behalf of our staff, for your patience. The little bit of extra time you allowed us in preparing the paper went a long way in helping our staff put this issue...
Was all the creativity and hard work on display during the Awards ceremony not enough for you? Well, lucky for you, our dedicated writers and staff members have worked hard to prepare a post-Awards issue of The 'Shroom! Please, take a look at Issue 161! We're all recovering from Awards, but...
What's that? There's been an outbreak of multicolored viruses and we're fresh out of Megavitamins? Dr. Roserade, get me 50cc of a special issue of The 'Shroom, quickly!
Oh, hello there, readers of The 'Shroom! I'm here to provide you with a prescription for a special issue celebrating the...
Hello, members of the Mario Wiki community! I'm Hooded Pitohui, speaking on behalf of myself and my Vice-Chairperson, Power Flotzo. We're kicking off a new term of the Poll Committee, as we've outlined here. We have some plans to try and make the Poll Committee run more smoothly this year, and...
Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! I'm here to present you with Issue 159 of The 'Shroom! And though our special Dr. Mario issue isn't coming out until next month, there is a ton of content you don't want to miss out on in this issue. We have the Community Awards Dossier (you have...
The month of May ushers in, depending on where you live in the world, what's either the hottest part of the year or the coldest part of the year. Either way, there's probably someone around you complaining about the weather. Thankfully, we've invented a variety of ways to control the climate of...
That time of the month rolls around once again, so settle in somewhere comfortable, all of you hunkered-down folks, and read and enjoy issue 157 of The 'Shroom! Be sure to take a look at the Staff Notes, to find out all about special issue 160 and the Dr. Mario theme it will have. Once you've...
Stuck at home due to current events? Well, if you need a good distraction to keep yourself occupied, take a look at issue 156 of The 'Shroom!
And if that's not enough for you to read, you should consider taking a look at the overhauled Manual of Style. We've tried to bring it up to date...
Here we are, folks! Roserade and I our proud to share the first issue of The 'Shroom under our term, issue 155! You'll notice a few new writers have joined us this issue. You know what? You should do the same! Whether you want to create a new section altogether or pick up an old one, there's a...