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  1. Roserade

    General Information

    What is this board? This board is the central hub on the forum for any and all activities related to the 2025 anniversary, including its awards ceremonies and the awards season associated with those ceremonies. The ceremonies themselves, informational threads, meeting logs, tournament threads...
  2. Roserade

    AC Applications

    We are looking for ~12 focused, hard-working community members to join the 2025 MarioWiki Awards Ceremony Committee. The Awards Committee's focuses will include creating polls for the ceremony, determining details such as scheduling and committee structuring, and generally overseeing the...
  3. Roserade

    Suggestion Box

    Here's where to suggest any ideas for awards, nominees, tournaments, etc. Basically if you have an idea and it has anything to do with the awards ceremony or related processes, feel free to post it and we'll have a look at it and consider it and all that good stuff!
  4. Roserade

    Meeting Logs

    Logs will come after our first meeting!
  5. Roserade

    Events & Games

    An Introduction to Awards Events and Games While the ceremonies may be its core, awards season is much more than a period of preparation for the big day. During the season, we highly encourage community members to get together to host, play, and participate in a variety of games, events, and...
  6. Roserade

    General Discussion

    Discuss general things here :lakitu: This OP will be updated periodically, with other updates in new posts. Links Full List 2025 Complete Results 2024 Historical Results (2008-present) Schedule Discord server Awards Ceremony Friday, August 22nd, 2025
  7. Roserade


    Written by: Roslind Bush (talk) Ancient Ruins Under Remodel? Confusion swept across the New Wikisburg research community this weekend when ruins uncovered last year beneath Pipe Plaza began going through a monumental change in appearance. Responders were first alerted to the change when a...
  8. Roserade

    ?????? (MBMB2 Teaser)

    Somewhere unknown... As a young woman looks at herself in the mirror, she contemplates what it was that brought her here. Perhaps it was a penchant for success. Graduating at the top of her class, she knew how to find power in social dynamics. She had little power in this scenario that she...
  9. Roserade


    Somewhere far away from here, a set of ruins stand. They have only just been discovered recently, after the successful unclogging of an ancient pipe found within the sewers of Pipe Plaza. They are quite unlike the ruins which belong to other civilizations, and have left archaeologists stumped...
  10. Roserade

    Post-a-Mon: A Weekly Pokemon Drawing Challenge

    Breaking news, Marioboards community! I just got correspondence from some friends at Game Freak, and apparently, they're desperate for new Pokemon to put into the next generation of games. Their artists have run out of ideas and ink! Thankfully, I was able to let them know that the Marioboards...
  11. Roserade

    Super Smash Bros. Bloom - a Smash Bros. made by a younger Rose

    Just because I can use another project to work on Whenever I Feel Like It As many of you know, I've always been a massive fan of Smash Bros. and the characters which go into it. Challenger Approaching! is the 'Shroom section where I demonstrated that directly within this community, but long...
  12. Roserade

    Characters you'd like to see in a new Marvel vs. Capcom

    This thread is pretty straightforward. I'm not at all an immensely knowledgeable person regarding Marvel or Capcom, but the MvC series is really special to me, so I spend plenty of time thinking about what characters we could see added to the series. In a hypothetical next installment in the...
  13. Roserade

    Save a Character: AKG4 Characters

    You know the drill. All characters on this list were either characters or player roleplays in Awards Killing Game 4. In Danger Kammi Sledge Monty & Bill Persni Big Changes Deer Man Charlotte Pickles Nightmare Louie Jake Marshall Gangsta Mario Nahyuta Quickbot, technically UwU Master...
  14. Roserade

    The Final Character

    We've reached the final stage of Smash speculation, and it's been an interesting one. How do you cap off Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with one last character, and who could it be? While it could just be another Fire Emblem character, I think the last one could have more significance than meets...
  15. Roserade

    Hypothetical wishes for future Ultimate DLC

    Let me open by stating this clearly: There will not be any more DLC characters added to Ultimate after Fighter's Pass 11, and there probably won't be more DLC period. I'm not going to speculate that there'll be more surprises down the road, because of how clearly stated the finality of this wave...
  16. Roserade

    Rose's 'Shroom Sections (and now other things)

    I'm pretty sure I had a thread for this a long time ago, but since that was like four years ago, I figure a new thread is in order You should check out my 'Shroom sections! The Mushroom Marquee Issue 182 (May 2022) Issue 183 (June 2022) Issue 185 (August 2022) Issue 186 (September 2022)...
  17. Roserade

    Preferred Names & Pronouns

    Hey everyone! A lot of times around this community, it can be tricky to know how to refer to someone, especially with monthly name changes and with information like pronouns in unapparent places. Therefore, I think it'd be good to have a common thread space where everybody can share this info...
  18. Roserade

    AKG3 Role Tier List

    Why do I do these things to myself That's right, after two years of prodding Mfan for this purpose, I've finally decided to take the helm and create this tier list myself. With my perspective as a host, I think I'll have even more insight for how these roles are tiered. Overall, I'd say that...
  19. Roserade

    Just Another User Fanfic

    Just Another User Fanfic Updates will be posted: whenever Chapter 1: Disappearance Part 1 It was a day like any other as Ninja Squid prepared for work. Or at least, it should have been, by any other metric. But for Ninja Squid, it had not been. It was a bunch of smaller, much less...
  20. Roserade

    Issue 150 - Challenger Approaching! Chosen by YOU!

    Not to one-up LudwigVon's 'Shroom section thread but... Hey there! You might remember me as the guy that wrote Challenger Approaching! a couple of times. It was a short-lived section, but I had a ton of fun with it, and have had ambitions to bring it back in some capacity or another. In any...
  21. Roserade

    Merry Mafia Lounge

    MERRY MAFI[color=green]A Alternative Title: Merry *bleep*ing Mafia (thanks Star) What is Merry Mafia? A pretty relaxed Mafia to celebrate the holiday season and the end of the year! Roles will revolve around holidays and winter in general, and phases will be 48 hours long with requested...
  22. Roserade

    Your Nostalgic VG Music

    We have the thread for your favorites, but what about the special songs? The ones that take us back to when things were different, possibly simpler? The ones when you hear them and get filled with that unique feeling? For me, the biggest is probably "Dearly Beloved" from Kingdom Hearts. The...
  23. Roserade

    Roserade's Art Thread

    I know I have an E R R O R thread already, but this is a thread for any miscellaneous drawings I do. Feel free to request something if you'd like, can't guarantee when I get to it though. In the meantime:
  24. Roserade

    E R R O R

  25. Roserade

    Kirby: Star Allies

    Thoughts? Predictions?
  26. Roserade

    What do you think the future of the Zelda series will be?

    After such a monumental game as Breath of the Wild, it's hard to say where the Zelda series will continue from here. So what do you think is going to happen in the future for Zelda? Personally, I think that the Zelda series will, from now on, be split into two subseries: We'll have the "main"...
  27. Roserade

    Bombing in Manchester

    A bomb went off at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, killing fourteen and injuring over fifty. This absolutely breaks my heart, especially because of how many adolescents must have been in that crowd. My heart goes out to Manchester. Update: News headlines are now reporting...
  28. Roserade

    Roserade's 'Shroom Section

    Yeah, I kinda write for The 'Shroom now! My section is called Challenger Approaching!, and in it I detail how I would like a certain character to play if they ever make it into Smash Bros. If you go to find it in the Strategy Wing, you'll learn that this is my first month on the team, which...
  29. Roserade

    Can't Edit My Userpage

    A little while ago, I created a page for myself on the Wiki, but I can't edit it at all. On mobile view, the blue create account button does literally nothing, and I can't find any way to get into editing from there. On desktop view, it says that I don't have the right to edit/make my userpage...
  30. Roserade

    Save a Characters: Alolan Pokemon Forms

    With one Pokemon SaC of mine at an end, I figured, why not start another? For the sake of ease, I opted not to put Alolan in front of every Pokemon name, so please remember that these Pokemon are in their Alolan forms. In Danger Rattata Raticate Raichu Sandshrew Sandslash Vulpix Ninetales...
  31. Roserade

    Alerting newcomers of the "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    So this is just a discussion thread. If there is already a system in place for this I'm unaware of, please let me know :P I was wondering if there was a possibility of instantly notifying new users of the "Hi, I'm new here!" thread. I recall the first time I was on here, I didn't know of its...
  32. Roserade

    Invader Zim is returning as a television movie

    According to one website, all of the original voice actors are returning for the project. All aboard the hype train
  33. Roserade

    Club Penguin officially dies at 12:01 am tonight

    Rest in peace, old friend. You will be missed.
  34. Roserade

    Video Game Moments that Terrified You

    This is a thread where you can mention any of those spoopy video games moments that have left a mark on you. These can be ones that scared you when you were younger or ones that terrify you to this day. As I was first playing through Undertale, I most certainly picked up on its darker tones...
  35. Roserade

    Bendy and the Ink Machine

    The game certainly looks interesting. It's described as a "puzzle action horror game", and that combination sounds pretty epic. I've heard people say it's the scariest Disney-esc. game ever, but obviously I haven't played it yet so I'll have to pick up the first demo soon so I can judge that...
  36. Roserade

    Recommend Roserade Some Indie Games to Play

    There are far too many indie games in the world so recommend some of your favorites to me so I can play them! To-Play List OFF Yume Nikki Touhou series LISA series Binding of Isaac Rebirth Spelunky Speedrunners Runbow Shantae VVVVVV Super Meat Boy Hotline Miami Freedom Planet Guacamelee...
  37. Roserade

    I just want to say thank you

    When I was on here four years ago, I was obnoxious and ridiculous and had practically no common sense. I could obviously tell I was not well liked around the community, and for obvious reasons. I honestly deserved to be banned. That is why I want to say thank you. Now I'm back, and I've been...
  38. Roserade

    Count to 100 with game titles

    You can add titles together to get to a number!
  39. Roserade

    Roserade's Writings

    So this is a thread where I can post some short stories or poetry I've written. Any feedback is incredibly appreciated! Us and Loss We mourn for those born in recent days. I cry and cry and place candles in memory of death no child can handle. Those doomed infants born in these days...
  40. Roserade

    Create a Smash Bros. Stage

    So this is a game that was played a very long time ago. I don't recall who exactly started it, so please tell me if you know who it is. But basically, here's how it works: You make up a Smash Bros. stage you would like to see based upon this template: Name of the stage Origin series Unlock...
  41. Roserade

    Is there a way to post a photo straight from your gallery to your signature?

    So I access the full version of this site on mobile, and I was wondering if I can get a photo from my gallery into my signature. Do I have to post it somewhere first, or can that be accessed on the mobile version? Thanks!
  42. Roserade

    How's Your Day Been?

    Just a place to talk about your day, and if you're having a crappy day, we can help cheer you up. How's your day been?
  43. Roserade

    Woman's March

    Hey friends, so for those of you who are over here in the US, there is a woman's march today that you should definitely come to if possible! While the biggest one is in Washington DC, there are marches all over the United States. I'm heading to one over here on the West Coast. It's just a great...
  44. Roserade

    Favorite PS2 Games

    The title basically says it all. I mentioned it earlier in a different thread, but I love Ape Escape 2. The platforming complimented the bizarre control scheme perfectly, and the quirkiness of the characters kept me engaged throughout. I'd rate it 9.5/10
  45. Roserade

    Save a Character: Psychic Type Legendary Pokemon

    In Danger Mewtwo Mew Lugia Celebi Latias Latios Jirachi Deoxys Uxie Mesprit Azelf Cresselia Victini Meloetta Hoopa Solgaleo Lunala Necrozma Tapu Lele Safe Out