But that's just it. She never actually does.
She only says "Hey!" when she has a hint, and "Listen!" when you decide to listen to it. Unless you're constantly finding yourself needing to speak to Navi, which you shouldn't be in the first place, you will never hear that memetic incessant spam...
Re: Happy Birthday Edo (tommorow)
Happy, Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday to you,
I'm wishing you
a Happy Birthday
'cause I don't wanna feel like a douche!
Re: Wii 2?
Did everyone here just FORGET about the Wii MotionPlus? It would be foolish to make an entirely new console when they still haven't milked the current one dry yet.
1. Take any preconceptions of a linear time-line and flush them down an airplane toilet.
2. It's most likely to insure that the important events in the story haven't happened yet.