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  1. Dr.Strangelove

    Your Video Game Systems

    Received from close family or bought: NES SNES PS1 PS2 Ps3 360 GBC GBA Ds lite Systems I have borrowed but never returned to my cousin: Gamecube N64 Sega Master System Dreamcast
  2. Dr.Strangelove

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Terranigma. I just restarted and am currently at the third tower.
  3. Dr.Strangelove

    Sign petition to prevent video game restriction and control

    I find it funny that he got his name out there by being a symbol of macho violence, yet he's against violent video games.
  4. Dr.Strangelove

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Life is Beautiful and The Seventh Seal. 8/10 for Life is Beautiful 9/ for The Seventh Seal
  5. Dr.Strangelove

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Earthbound/Mother 2.
  6. Dr.Strangelove

    DSi or PSP?

    Nintendo have a better Library for there handheld console, so I'm going with the DSi.
  7. Dr.Strangelove

    Epic/Cool/Memorable Bosses

    Epic and memorable? Every single Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus. Cool boss guy? Reno from FFVII.
  8. Dr.Strangelove

    Favorite Mario Kart game

    My favourite is MKDS, followed by 64. I still need to play Double Dash, and Wii.
  9. Dr.Strangelove

    Seriously, this is starting to bother me...

    I would like to see Wario and Waluigi as boss characters in one of the handheld RPGs.