Okay so I didn't realize how inconvenient noon was for literally everyone involved so me Groden and Turb agreed to postpone it until 7:00 tonight. Hopefully that'll work out better for most of you.
I'd like to host some competitive Terraria multiplayer, try out some different flavors of PvP, that kind of thing. If I can garner enough interest I'll be hosting a free for all game next Saturday at noon, whatever time zone Jersey is in. (Eastern? I wanna say it's Eastern.)
To avoid any...
You'd probably be better off with one of the console releases or the PC port. I tried the 3DS demo earlier and it's not nearly as good as on the PC, which is pretty much a direct port of the console version.
I think you're abusing that phrase. It's meant as a conciliatory karmic principle, not a blank check to be a dick to people you think have wronged you.
I don't get all this whining about the controls. From what I understand it controls a lot like MP:Hunters, and I never had any problems with that game.
This is only an issue in the handheld ports. It's a little better in the DSi version because of the map but back on the Playstation you could see a lot more.
I'll admit that the combat kind of sucks, but the game rarely ever focuses on it. There's an enemy in your path every so often, but most...
The game did play a little easier with an analog stick, but the D-pad on the DS never got in my way nearly as much as the godawful camera controls on the N64.
Yeah, I wanna say the last one was something like 200 but by then I had enough Electoons for it to already be unlocked by the time I got to it.
Oh, and on the topic of playing the first two games, I'd recommend the Playstation version of Rayman 1 the most, but if you can't get your hands on it...
Land of the Livid Dead's ending was pretty sub-par too. The whole game suffered from a pretty bad lack of focus, which is a shame because the gameplay and art direction are top notch.