you are to big to fit on the throne, you fall over and i take the throne. i bring the throne to a fat person museum filled with fat people who are guarding my throne
i use my time machine to go back in time to before Ultima found the throne, i shield it with the strongest materials in the universe.
I have claimed the throne again.
i may have lost my time machine, but i can shave my teleportation device. i teleport to Time Machines 'R' Us (i own the place) and get a few damage proof time machines, that no one (beside Chuck Norris and Sumo Wrestlers) can destroy. i then go back in time again and........ i get the throne back!
I go way back in time to the day before Ultima even found the throne, i teleport me and the throne to another dimension that only i (and this fat guy in new jersey who listens to no one) can go into. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Then i sit on my throne.
Yoshi can breath fire with a power flower in Super Mario 64 DS.
And, about the topic: The Koopa's have Red shells, fire is Red...hmm.....they are both red..that's probably why.....but anyway, Nintendo stuff is usually fake, i mean, how can a mushroom make you bigger?