Search results

  1. N

    List of all NA Nintendo Published Games?

    The sections I'm most interested in knowing are accurate are: Game Boy Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance Nintendo DS (not DSi) N64 GameCube Wii ... as those are the Nintendo systems I own. And again, mainly looking for North America as that's where I'm at. Thanks for the help thus far, though! ;D
  2. N

    List of all NA Nintendo Published Games?

    I am looking for a list of all Nintendo games published in North America. Is this list accurate?: If list is inaccurate, what are the changes? Or: where can I find an accurate list? Thanks!
  3. N

    Club Nintendo Newbie - Looking For Answers

    While we're on the subject, I wanted to register my old GameCube / Game Boy Advance games anyways - even if not for coins. These Nintendo published games did not have PINs in my copies. Does anyone know if these simply did not have PINs in the U.S. or if I'm just missing my PIN sheets?: Baten...
  4. N

    Club Nintendo Newbie - Looking For Answers

    1) So apparently Zack & Wiki was published by Nintendo in Australia but nowhere else. 2) That makes sense, no rewards program would promote another company's product. 3) Apparently some WiiWare titles have post-play surveys. The three that did seem random: Super Mario Kart Cocoto Platform...
  5. N

    Club Nintendo Newbie - Looking For Answers

    I am a Club Nintendo newbie. Yes, I read and re-read the F.A.Q. on the CN site but still have unanswered questions: 1) So, as of right now, ONLY Nintendo published games are eligible? I know that seems pretty clearly indicated but someone told me they registered Zack & Wiki? 2) Have non-...
  6. N

    What genre has Nintendo NOT attempted?

    I'd like to see another all-Nintendo franchise cast game ala SSB - but in a different format. A sim? I'm not sure since they have Animal Crossing now - but could you imagine The Sims but it is only Nintendo characters/items/locations - they could pull out the most obscure characters from their...
  7. N

    Starfy and Friends - Members of Mushroom World

    :posh: Congratulations on the classic middle school comeback.
  8. N

    Mario Party 9

    Any new Nintendo game one could hope for is a 'possibility': Star Fox Wii F-Zero Wii Mario Paint Wii Mario Golf Wii Mario Tennis Wii Wave Race Wii ... that doesn't really mean anything.
  9. N

    Mario Sports Mix

    I do not expect the final 7 to be all female - but I think it would be appropriate. I'm not even remotely a feminist but I still think it's only right it be equal, since Nintendo has more than enough characters to support that equality.
  10. N

    Linking Together Mushroom Kingdom

    Right, well, that was five years ago...
  11. N

    Mario Sports Mix

    I can kind of agree for Candy Kong / Captain Syrup. Definitely do not agree on Rosalina, Birdo, Toadette, Dixie, Noki - they are not obscure. Totally agree for Pauline, Mona.
  12. N

    Linking Together Mushroom Kingdom

    Hmm, I can see it getting convoluted but for the most part I think they could properly match everything up. I think what would be the nicest thing, however, would be less one-off characters. Nintendo keeps creating new characters with each game, many of which fans love - and then dumps them...
  13. N

    Mario Sports Mix

    Too Many Males - Remaining 7 Should Be Female! I was hoping to see a new character besides the Miis - but this game looks so awesome! I have one complaint, thus far: It's a Mushroom Kingdom sausage fest. I know this isn't that much different than usual for Mario party/kart/sport titles - but...
  14. N

    Starfy and Friends - Members of Mushroom World

    Mason - In what capacity? I only just began playing SMRPG and am in Forest Maze Villain11 - well, you wasted your life making a pointless snide comment. Good for you!
  15. N

    What genre has Nintendo NOT attempted?

    What genre has Nintendo not attempted in some capacity but should? I think an MMO of some sort, although that is less of a genre and more of and expansion on a current genre. They seemed to have covered most of the bases.
  16. N

    Linking Together Mushroom Kingdom

    How do we know Stanley is 'officially' Mario's cousin? And one theory I have about the timeline placement of Sports/Kart/Party titles and why everyone is a lot nicer to each other (as in, depending upon the game Bowser/Mario may have to work together) is this: The sports/party/kart titles...
  17. N

    Starfy and Friends - Members of Mushroom World

    Of all Nintendo franchises, I've mostly played the 'Mushroom World games' - Mario/Donkey Kong/Wario/Yoshi/Peach/Luigi games that we know take place in the same world. Now, disregarding 'party titles' (i.e. Smash Bros., Kart, Party, Sports) - as these feature many cross-overs (both Nintendo...
  18. N

    Linking Together Mushroom Kingdom

    What would you think if one day Nintendo decided to finally create some continuity amongst all of its Mushroom World games (Mario/Wario/Luigi/Peach/Donkey Kong/Yoshi games)? For instance, if Stanley (the bug-man) was made Mario's cousin. (the similar overalls and eye design make this possible)...
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