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  1. G Major Steven Stone

    Rate the above user’s banner

  2. G Major Steven Stone

    Which Mario content covered by the Direct are you LEAST interested in?

    Even though I don’t feel like any of these will turn out to be horrible. It still makes for a thought provoking reverse topic. I’m going with Dark Moon HD because it seems to change nothing from the original game.
  3. G Major Steven Stone

    Say something the above user WOULD say

  4. G Major Steven Stone

    Super Mario RPG Switch

    Happy this was announced. I’m not buying any new video games myself but when that’s done I might get. I like how the graphics look true to the original game without looking creepy. Though why isn’t “Legend of the Seven Stars” in the title?
  5. G Major Steven Stone

    Post Any Cartoon Thought On Your Mind

    Self-explanatory. Right now, I'll post my thoughts on the premises of the last five Season 2 Danny Phantom episodes. King Tuck- Tucker having pharaoh blood and becoming a demented pharaoh sounds like a cool premise, and Hotep-Ra has a cool design looking him up, but I've heard the episode makes...
  6. G Major Steven Stone

    Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation

    Hey there, I have a question about Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation. Is it something where its story only makes sense if you’ve played Birthright or Conquest?
  7. G Major Steven Stone

    Best Ace Attorney game

    I’ve only played PW:AA1 and Justice For All, but the former has more cases I like so I’ll go with it aorn
  8. G Major Steven Stone

    Best Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Case

    Self-explanatory, and please mark spoilers. My favorite was Farewell, My Turnabout for its suspense and originality in terms of Phoenix's dilemma, and liking all of the new characters it introduced.
  9. G Major Steven Stone

    “E-rated” Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth cartridge

    I got a cartridge of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth on eBay, and played the beginning of the case on it, as right now it seems to work competently, but the cartridge says rated E when the game is actually rated T. Does anyone have ideas why that is? And what is others’ advice on...
  10. G Major Steven Stone

    Should I get Firestorm or Blizzard for Inazuma Eleven 2?

    Self-explan. Firestorm focuses more on who was my favorite character in the first game when I played it 8 years ago, Axel/Gouenji, but Blizzard has a new character, Froste, who seems popular by the fandom.
  11. G Major Steven Stone

    Post any random thought on your mind about anything

    Sometimes I listen to Ace Attorney music when doing homework. When I’m trying to fill a page and it just makes the lines longer instead of adding new lines it’s like the autopsy report being updated
  12. G Major Steven Stone

    Post any Mario question on your mind

    Which scene does Jack Black say “FUCK YOU” like all the memes of Bowser right now show him doing?
  13. G Major Steven Stone

    What about the above user stands out to you the most personally?

    Self-explanatory. If you have something overly not nice to say don't say anything at all
  14. G Major Steven Stone

    What things do you normally do that you’ve been taking a break from?

    Can be anything. I’ve been taking a break from video games lately.
  15. G Major Steven Stone

    Post any opinion here you’ve never posted you had before.

    I like the Nintendo Switch and see it as maybe the best Nintendo console objectively as of right now, but still like the Wii and 3DS more in terms of personal memories.
  16. G Major Steven Stone

    I am locked in with $94 for the 3DS eShop. What games would you recommend?

    Self-explanatory; I saw PF ask this question so I thought it would be interesting to make a thread. You could say it’s $95 since it’s $94.99 but I like to round down
  17. G Major Steven Stone

    should there be an ace attorney game set in the 2100s

    no “no opinion” option is up here
  18. G Major Steven Stone

    What was the best year for the community in your opinion?

    For me, 2016 was maybe the best because it's when the first like system was implemented.
  19. G Major Steven Stone

    Middle person to post wins

  20. G Major Steven Stone

    What is your favorite Ace Attorney song?

    The last thread I will make related to AA for some time. I'm going to wait to post because I'm more interested in hearing others' opinions first.
  21. G Major Steven Stone

    What is the best YouTube video you have seen this year?

    THE DANNY PHANTOM FANBOY KILLER This documentary on Randy Stair is really good, I highly recommend it for people a bit older
  22. G Major Steven Stone

    Rank the Ace Attorney Pursuit themes from your favorite to least favorite.

    Not good at answering this myself as I don't have context for the Pursuit themes for any of the games except Phoenix Wright 1 and Justice For All, (despite having heard many others) so: 1. Pursuit- Cornered (2001) 2. Pursuit- Questioned (2002) This will change as I play more games but I'm much...
  23. G Major Steven Stone

    Marry, kill, you-know-what out of three characters

    Self-explanatory. It goes in a chain where the reply comes up with three more characters. Don’t talk in excessive detail about selecting you-know-what if you get my drift. Don’t give a response like “nobody” or another non-answer. Phoenix, Edgeworth, Klavier
  24. G Major Steven Stone

    What is your favorite and least favorite Ace Attorney case?

    Spoilers are fine Favorite (as of right now): Rise From The Ashes Least favorite (as of right now): The Lost Turnabout
  25. G Major Steven Stone

    What is the best and worst cartoon episode you’ve ever watched?

    I’m not posting mine yet because I’m more interested in other users’ thoughts
  26. G Major Steven Stone

    What is your favorite/in your opinion best thread you created?

    Not going to answer this myself yet because I’m interested in other users’ responses more
  27. G Major Steven Stone

    What trait do you like, and dislike, the most in other people?

    The trait I like the most in other people is stability. The trait I dislike the most in other people is dishonesty.
  28. G Major Steven Stone

    Is the above user’s current theme better or weaker than their last?

    Self-explan. (EDIT: If you don’t know don’t post)
  29. G Major Steven Stone

    More Than Five Pages

    Has anyone ever considered making it so that when viewing all your posts, you can see like from the beginning to the end of a thread with a lowest and highest number, instead of multiples of 5? The same goes for profile posts and searching for posts with certain words.
  30. G Major Steven Stone

    Which year out of the 2020s was better for Nintendo, 2020 or 2021?

    I’ll say 2020 cuz I like Origami King
  31. G Major Steven Stone

    Russia Oil Boycott- Good idea or bad idea?

    I’d say mostly good, closer to mostly bad than very good but we need to help Americans getting destroyed at the gas tank
  32. G Major Steven Stone

    Ace Attorney Hints Thread

    A nice idea I thought of recently. Here you post a riddle you’re having trouble on in the Ace Attorney series, and one gives a hint without totally giving it away. I’m on Psyche-Lock parts for Pearl in Reunion and Turnabout, and need to know what she was doing What is a hint for what she was...
  33. G Major Steven Stone

    My new pillow

    I just finished my pillow sewing class; here’s my new pillow!
  34. G Major Steven Stone

    Who is Redktan?

    Redktan the Robeless is Hektan’s very introverted so never seen until now brother. While he may seem surrounded in a pool of blood, this is actually regenerative fluid that helps him feel better. He loves being in his liquid form, but when humans or other creatures hurt him, he turns into a...
  35. G Major Steven Stone

    Things you like in games you otherwise dislike (both Mario and not)

    Self-explanatory The scene from Sonic '06 where Shadow kicks Silver is still a classic many years later Inteleon and Corviknight are great Pokémon
  36. G Major Steven Stone

    If there was one fictional guy you could go out with who would it be?

    For myself in honor of pride month. Saying “this person for movies, this person for TV shows, this person for books, and this person for video games” is allowed and even encouraged as well
  37. G Major Steven Stone

    Rank My 2021- Themes

    How would you rank my themes 2021 onward? Your choices are: -Linus Van Pelt -Mr. Krupp -Gray Discord -YOU'VE KILLED ME -AmIhere? Orhere? Orhere? -Manfred Von Karma
  38. G Major Steven Stone

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All

    Alright, the very early morning today I started the second Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney game for the first time, and while I've heard fans like it but not as much as the first one, I want to hear the thoughts of users here. Please refrain from giving spoilers that are harsh like who did it, if...
  39. G Major Steven Stone

    Games that you have just started

    I just started Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Justice For All, and am on the very beginning of The Lost Turnabout. It's really hard to form an opinion on this one yet, although I may not feel strongly either way considering I've heard it's a tutorial-length case.
  40. G Major Steven Stone

    The Shadow Prince’s Spookily Good Danny Phantom Reviews

    The title is self-explanatory; I started watching Danny Phantom in May 2021 and have liked it so far, so plan to show my opinions on its episodes here as some, of course, are better than others. I plan to use my old seven-point rating scale for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic in 2015 and...
  41. G Major Steven Stone

    Which of these video games that I haven't played should I start on first?

    I have each of these games but have not played them. I'm thinking about either starting Kirby and the Forgotten Land, or slightly less likely but Justice For All next, but am interested in other users' thoughts.
  42. G Major Steven Stone

    Best Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 1 Case

    Self-explanatory. My favorite case so far was Turnabout Goodbyes mainly because of its building of Edgeworth's character, but I'm still on RIse From The Ashes but so far would put it a bit below Turnabout Goodbyes because the fingerprint mic parts were kind of annoying. But it feels like a very...
  43. G Major Steven Stone

    Who did you side more with at the Oscars, Will Smith or Chris Rock?

    Self-explanatory. Sure it's a long time ago now but it is still a moment that will be iconic forever. Personally I felt like Chris Rock's joke was a bit too offensive but how Will Smith acted was much more inappropriate, but would like to hear others' thoughts.
  44. G Major Steven Stone

    Big Nate TV Show

    What do you guys think of the Big Nate TV Show coming out tomorrow based on clips of it so far? I think it looks pretty bad.
  45. G Major Steven Stone

    Talk about how your parents are, are being, or were immature in this thread.

    This is, of course, a self-explanatory thread. I know other people's experiences if they post in this thread will likely be much worse than this, but my parents are probably going to shut down my Switch Internet services so I can't access all the games I got by paying $20 each for three years...
  46. G Major Steven Stone

    Mind Control
