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  1. M

    Virtual Console Clarification

    So I need clarification ill give a few examples So the virtual console. Say there's super mario bros 3 is there any difference from the game on the virtual console for the Wii Wii u or 3ds. Also is the game on the Virtual console the exact same as the original or slightly different? Like mario...
  2. M

    Character Confusion

    So by this logic, not mocking you but does this mean wario isn't a mario character, he has his own series as well as yoshi and even luigi is considered to.
  3. M

    Character Confusion

    So is donkey kong, kirby, or banjo kazooie mario characters? I want to say donkey kong is but has he been in any mario game? Not sure about the others. Please help
  4. M

    Power ups

    I enjoy platformers and my favorite part of mario is the power ups, any other games with power ups. Do any of the dk games like dk country returns 3d have power ups or crash/ spyro games.
  5. M

    Am I missing any?

    I thought all games in super mario series had "super mario" in it, so why is hotel mario technically apart of it?
  6. M

    Am I missing any?

    So I've been searching everywhere because I want to collect all mario games in the super mario series. (Not the spinoffs only the main mario series) this is what I have, am I missing anything? Super mario bros Super mario bros the lost levels Super mario bros 2 super mario bros 3 Super mario...
  7. M

    Super Mario Franchise

    Hey can anybody give me a list of all the games in the main super mario series including remakes ever created.