I know many trans people personally, some of which are close friends. I despise hatred and bigotry of any kind. Know that you and any other LGBTQ people have my full support.
While I do like the look of the Mario film, even with cutting edge technology I doubt thats what a Mario game would look like. The movie has a style of it's own compared to the games at large beyond just "graphics"
If anything it's the opposite. they keep ramping shit up too much to the point that people (especially right now in an economic crisis) just can't afford it.
Laziness has nothing to do with that. The whole point of a console, even the so called "next gen" ones compared to their custom computer counterparts is convenience via outdated technology.
Also (in theory) cheaper pricing.
I've played a fair share but there are plenty I have not. Mostly the Mario Parties, some of the sports and puzzle titles and those obscure Japan only games have I not played.
Pretty much. Luigi's Mansion (for the most part) Princess Peach Showtime and Super Mario Land 1 and 2 show you can have other villains be a thing and just not have Bowser there at all.
Well you know me, I don't have a high opinion on Mario Party in general so I don't mind when they try something different.
But a lot of people didn't like that so it's back to the usual shenanigans.
I have to laugh at the notion of Mario Party being called "safe now" and acting like it never was before.
I remind you for a while there they farted these out basically once a year. It was the Call of Duty of Mario series.
I could name many rpgs where story and characters aren't a priority but thats not what I mean. I'm talking about scenes that just go on and on and are usually accomplishing nothing of value even in a basic entertainment sense.
Dream Team was especially guilty of this.
Decent design. Hopefully...
I hope it's more like superstar saga with an emphasis on things not taking too long to get going, quick fluent attacks and not a bunch of dialogue heavy skits that aren't really all that funny.
I also wonder who is making this.
But this wasn't a handheld version of a game. It was a game built specifically for the 3ds, a machine that has specs about on par with anything a (at the time) previous paper mario game had been on. Just because it's on a handheld that doesn't make it any less of a "major release"
This franchise is so huge that most of these things people want to get referenced they probably have never heard of.
Contrary to what fans might think most devs for a series have not played other installments in it that don't relate to their current project.
Well thats been me for years, always that guy who has the unpopular but also popular opinions.
I used to be more...aggressive about it but I'm trying to reign it in.
One day I hope people will realize the rpgs are not some kind of special "more creative than everything else" thing that is overlooked like a sad puppy in a pound.