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  1. Volkner

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    Nice art! I don't think Talonflame is gonna be banned to Ubers. I can't really think of anything that's going to be banned to Ubers now, since the OU metagame seems to have settled down a bit.
  2. Volkner

    Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire (Ruby and Sapphire Remakes)!

    Zygarde and Arceus fusion pls <3
  3. Volkner

    Rate the User above avatar!

    8/10 It's okay but there's a lot going on there.
  4. Volkner

    Post screenshots of your desktop.

    Recently cleared my desktop of all shortcuts, since I didn't use any of them.
  5. Volkner

    in your opinion what were the best and worst memes ever

    Pepe memes are just annoying.
  6. Volkner

    The Official "I have injuries" thread (Sorry for spam posting)

    Broke my collarbone like six years ago, that was fun. Didn't take that long to heal, actually, only a few weeks. And that's about it for notable injuries for me.
  7. Volkner

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    Hey all! I'm Volknerite from Smash Camp! I was in Cabin 4, so hi all cabin buddies! :D I hope I'm able to get along with everyone!