I will give you a riddle.
You must solve my riddle.
It is a "who am I riddle."
Let's go!
Here it is: "I am tall when I am young, I am short when I am old, Fire gives me purpose, but I am man made and cannot occur in nature." What am I?
Whoever gets it will get a like!
I will say who gets...
Instructions: Everyone must come up with a pun or a joke ( 1 is okay ).
However, no pun or joke can be used twice! This means unique ideas will be made!
The pun or joke doesn't have to be good. It can be as crazy and wacky as you want!
But don't do inappropriate ones please.
Read my...
Oh I didn't know that dang it. I just copied a random picture of a boo.
7/10 Your avatar tells me you like playing baseball and your favorite restaurant is Baskin Robins?
Blocked because add (head) at the end of the first word of your sentence and you will insult a building (It results in blockhead). (Get it?) Pun Intended. Heh heh.
Those cutscenes from Mario games that you can't get out of your head.
Mine? The moment in New super Mario bros for the DS, when you defeat bowser in World 1, and... well... Bowser turns to dry bowser. That gave me nightmares for weeks. How Disturbing.
What's yours?