Hi everybody! I made images with contains Nintendo, Capcom, Sega and other third party characters.
in DeviantART everybody join!
I just make a Bowser's Deaths and Defeats in Super Mario game (Bowser that not RPG, Spin-Off and remake, except for Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Land and Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins as they don't feature Bowser.)
Super Mario Bros: Defeated by Mario and falls to lava.
Super Mario Bros 3: Being sent to break floor and he falls.
Super Mario World: Being defeated and kicked off by throwing Mecha Koopas to him by Mario.
Super Mario 64: Defeated by throwing him to Exploding Mine.
Super Mario Sunshine: Fall by...
I just talk about in the New Super Mario Bros. Wii after ending credits, I see in World 8-Bowser's Castle (New Super Mario Bros. Wii), then I see the image and the I search the video about "new super mario bros. wii credits". It looks like Bowser, Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings about to crushed...
Masked_Ghoul is similar like Jason
Maybe name is "Spooky Mask", "Jason Mask"
http://toxicisland.deviantart.com/art/Super-Mario-Maker-DLC-Roster-562957349 what is for the freddy one?