You can avoid a Lightning strike by using an invincibility item. The Blue Spiny Shell can also be avoided with an invincibility item. The POW Block is far worse because it warns you of your inevitable doom, appears far too often, is pretty much useless if you know what you're doing and because...
In just about any video or post about Mario Kart, especially those that involve items, Mario Kart Wii, or the POW Block itself, of course I have to talk about how much I hate the item, more specifically why I hate the item so much.
If you've seen me anywhere on the Internet, you'll know that the Mega Mushroom, POW Block, and Thunder Cloud (the items exclusive to Wii) are what I consider to be the worst items in the series. I will talk about why I hate each item so much.
Mega Mushroom
Of the items exclusive to Wii, the...
That's why I would change it so that it has a regular question mark from a distance, only on approaching does it turn upside down. However, it would be the exact same color as a real Item Box to make it more convincing.
One of my solutions is done in 64 and DS. In DS, the Fake Item Box also doesn't rotate, making it rather dead obvious. I was trying to make it look like it does in Mario Kart 64 (same color scheme as a real Item Box, but upside down question mark). The Fake Item Box in Mario Kart 64 is far...
Making it almost identical to a real Item Box is a good start, but that alone isn't enough to fix the item completely. Like you said, because the Fake Item Box functions as a worse Banana, it tends to be placed in random locations on the track, usually nowhere near real Item Boxes. No one's...
Isn't my new version of the Fake Item Box actually convincing like in Mario Kart 64?
The Fake Item Box was created for the purpose of tricking players into thinking it's a real Item Box, something it does really well in Mario Kart 64. I've proposed this new version of the Fake Item Box so it...
With a new Mario Kart game coming to the Switch 2, I would like to fix a first place item that hasn't appeared in recent installments after Wii: the Fake Item Box. If I know anything about the Mario Kart community, the majority, myself included, considers the Fake Item Box to be a worse Banana...
I would like to eliminate Horsea and Spheal because both evolve late, and Horsea has a trade evolution. Lotad is also out because it's consistently underpowered. This leaves only Poliwag and Tympole. I'll go with Tympole as the Water starter because unlike Poliwag, Tympole evolves via level up...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
To start, I will dismiss Tinkatink since it feels more like a Fairy starter than a Steel starter, and I've already chosen that as one of my two candidates for Fairy, the other being Flabebe. None of these options have good evolution levels. I've already eliminated Pawniard in the Dark type...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
For the sake of simplicity, I will only look at Rolycoly and Nacli, since both evolve via level up all the way through and have reasonable evolution levels. Both base forms are underpowered compared to regular starters (Rolycoly is worse with 240 compared to Nacli with 280), but Carkol (410)...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
For starters, let's get rid of Cosmog because not only is it a Legendary Pokemon, but it's completely useless until level 53. Ralts is also out because both it and Kirlia are super weak, and I would also like to disqualify Gothita, Solosis, and Hatenna because all three evolve in the early 30s...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
I would like to eliminate Budew and Gastly since they're the Grass and Ghost starters respectively, and I would also like to eliminate Oddish, Bellsprout, Weedle, and Venipede because they feel a lot more like one type than the other. This leaves the Nidorans and Zubat.
I like that the Nidorans...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
Galarian Zigzagoon is already the Dark starter, so it's out. I would also like to eliminate the Normal/Flying options and Smoliv because they feel a lot more like their respective types than they do a Normal type.
Igglybuff, Happiny, Porygon, Teddiursa, and Slakoth all have three stages, but...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
Much like the Ground type options, all of the Ice type options have late evolution levels. The earliest is Spheal at 32, but not again until 44. Swinub is next at 33, and Vanillite and Frigibax evolve at 35. For base stats, while Mamoswine (530) has good stats, Swinub (250) has low stats, and...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
I will look at Swinub, Trapinch, Gible, and Sandile since they evolve via level up all the way through (although Piloswine needs a certain move to level up). However, in regards to evolution levels for these options, they all stink. The earliest is Gible at 24, but then not again until 48...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
I will immediately eliminate Sewaddle since it feels more like Bug type than it does a Grass type. Hoppip, Lotad, Seedot, and Bounsweet all have their first evolutions in the teens (10-19), but their entire lines are consistently weaker than regular starters, Lotad and Seedot use a stone, and...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
Dreepy is the only three stage Ghost option to evolve via level up all the way through, but it immediately sucks because its evolution levels are 50 and 60, which is enough to disqualify it. Litwick, Duskull, and Honedge all have their first evolutions at levels 41, 37, and 35 respectively...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
This one is easy. I choose Rookidee since it's the only option to be a pure Flying type in its base form. Its final form, Corviknight, is underpowered for a final form with a base stat total of 495, but all of the other fully evolved Flying type options have the same problem except for Crobat...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
Magby evolves at level 30 and then by trade while holding a Magmarizer, while Litwick doesn't evolve until level 41 and then needs a Dusk Stone. I would have to choose Magby since you can get its final form as early as level 30 (the level at which its first evolution occurs). Plus, it's overall...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
We do not have a three stage Fighting type line with pure level up evolutions. All three have their first evolution in the 20s, and for their second evolutions, Machoke and Gurdurr evolve by trade or by using the Linking Cord from Legends Arceus, and Primeape has to use Rage Fist 20 times then...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
I would like to eliminate Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Azurill because not only do they all use friendship, but they're all weaker than the target ranges (Clefairy is as weak as a base stage starter, and both Wigglytuff and Azumarill are as weak as middle stage starters), and two of them also use...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
I will immediately disregard the Pichu line because all three stages are significantly weaker than the target ranges (205 for Pichu, 320 for Pikachu, and 485 for Raichu; Pikachu is as weak as a base form starter), and the line uses both a friendship evolution and a stone evolution. There are way...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
I have narrowed it down to three Pseudos (Bagon, Gible, and Jangmo-o) and one Semi-Pseudo (Axew).
Axew is a pretty solid starter fit because its base stat totals are great. Axew (320) and Fraxure (410) are both within the range for base and middle forms, and Haxorus (540) is only five points...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
The three stage options for Dark are Galarian Zigzagoon, Sandile, Pawniard, Deino, and Impidimp, but Deino and Pawniard immediately suck. Their egregious evolution levels (50 then 64 for Deino and 52 for Pawniard) instantly disqualify them. Could you imagine not being able to evolve your starter...
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
That would be Grubbin. Grubbin evolves at level 20, and Charjabug needs either a special magnetic field or a Thunder Stone. However, while Vikavolt has a lower base stat total than Orbeetle (500 vs 505), Grubbin and Charjabug have higher base stat totals than Blipbug and Dottler (300 and 400 vs...
I would narrow my options down to Venipede, Sewaddle, Grubbin, and Blipbug, since all four have final forms whose base stat totals get relatively close to the target range. Of these four, Grubbin and Blipbug are the most appealing to me since their base forms lack secondary typing.
If you haven't seen my post involving choosing a starter for every type, I would like to refresh you with some criteria I made, and the first criterion is mandatory. Here is the mandatory criterion. I'll be doing each of the eighteen types in poll form to see what everyone thinks.
The Pokemon...
Here's what everyone would be in my book.
Mario: Normal or Fire
Luigi: Normal/Ghost, Normal/Psychic, or Psychic/Ghost
Peach: Normal/Fairy
Daisy: Grass/Fighting
Rosalina: Psychic/Flying
Toad: Normal
Toadette: Normal
Green Yoshi: Dragon/Normal
Red Yoshi: Dragon/Fire
Blue Yoshi: Dragon/Flying...
I chose Bagon and Beldum as the Dragon and Steel starters respectively because I had a dilemma for both types: do I choose evolution levels that are closer to the target, or do I choose base stat totals that are closer to the base stat total? Then I needed to consider not just what's closer to...