Search results

  1. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because I'm down bad for way too many characters.
  2. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because Chad Kroeger loves appearing in nativity plays. He's played a shepherd, and innkeeper, and even the back end of a donkey. But he's NEVER MADE IT AS A WISE MAN.
  3. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but it's defective and only creates constructs shaped like "Hotdogs" I wish I could meet Weird Al.
  4. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    blocked because
  5. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because Opossums are the best animal
  6. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because Waluigi is better.
  7. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because ur dad is secretly gay for my husbands brother's nemesis.
  8. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because IDK what that means.
  9. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Usernames combine!

    Sparky Morningstar
  10. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    If presented an option to choose a character, would you still pick Mario?

    And when Sonic and Tails fall, all their rings are replaced with coins
  11. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    What color is Big Bird where you're from?

    Great answers so far! (The Brazil one looks kinda cursed but he's apparently super nice)
  12. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    What color is Big Bird where you're from?

    I saw a video where it was explained that Big Bird's color is dependent on the country you're watching Sesame Street in. So now I wanna know: What color is YOUR Big Bird? Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange, some other color? And if you know about any other characters who have notable regional...
  13. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Rate the above user’s banner

    Very Nice. Kinda dark, but still pretty.
  14. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Give an unpredictable response to the user above

    Hi, my name's Funny Man and I just ate a 4-pound hamburger.
  15. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Impersonate the above user

    Yeah, football is nice.
  16. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Count, but you also have to name an enemy

    13) Censor(Psychonauts)
  17. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Count while posting a character from your Smash wishlist

    8 (He's also on my personal wishlist 😏)
  18. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Count but something's worng

    How many seconds of sleep were had in this meme
  19. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    How many spaghetti can we get until Mario comes and eats it?

    Well, that's 2 spaghet. Neat! :waluigi:Of course, Mio Diavola Bella! Now let's get out of here before Mario decides to eat us, too! Wahaha!
  20. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Counting forever but every time you count you tell a fact about yourself

    54 My Boyfriend shares his name with one of the Koopalings.
  21. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Count but using shrek sequels

    Shrek 5 * Shrek The Third + Shrek 2
  22. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    If presented an option to choose a character, would you still pick Mario?

    I don't dislike Mario, but given the option to stray from playing as him in favor of another character I will, especially if one of my available choices is Waluigi. I can and will choose the lanky purple boi every time.
  23. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because I never said it was!
  24. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Rate the User above avatar!

    9/10 don't really see many Wario Characters anymore and that makes me sad. Only a 9 tho because I lowkey prefer Wario x Mona
  25. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Control the Throne

  26. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Come up with acronyms

    Black Obstructions With Several Entertaining Rodents Moopsy
  27. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Mediocre wishes aren't always mediocre wishes

    Granted, but you end up performing so well you're the GameStop CEO within the year! I wish for a pet Moopsy to drink the bones of my enemies! (This is a Moopsy BTW)
  28. Nellie Rose Morningstar


  29. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Come up with acronyms

    no, sweetie, I was saying you didn't leave a word for the next person.
  30. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Say something the above user would NEVER say

    I do NOT enjoy snacks!
  31. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Come up with acronyms

    Didn't give a word to make into an acronym!
  32. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Good idea, bad idea

    Bad Idea: Getting Exorcised. Good Idea: Reading a book
  33. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Tell the above user a fact you think they would be interested in

    In Mario's 2nd EVER video game appearance, he was the villain!
  34. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Last person to post wins 2

    Either I win or the Moopsy cries!
  35. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Where did you get that quote from?

    Hell ye boi, but you didn't add another quote.
  36. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Where did you get that quote from?

  37. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    It's a forum game but...

    It cuts to Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 Episode 2, but every time the Moopsy says "Moopsy"...
  38. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Control the Throne

    I unleash a Moopsy to drink your bones, effectively removing you from both the throne and life before sprawling out comfortably across it, sitting in a way that's obviously wrong, but is still hella comfy. Throne is now mine bbg
  39. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked for havving 2 signatures
  40. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but their characters are all horribly written. I wish to have a perfectly trained Moopsy to unleash upon my enemies! (Edit: I linked a video of a Moopsy for your viewing convenience)
  41. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Rate the above user's signature.

    A solid 6/10 for a good Pirate vibe.
  42. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Usernames combine!

    Sasha Rose Morningstar
  43. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because the best animal is actually Moopsy
  44. Nellie Rose Morningstar

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because Roy is also my IRL boyfriend's name lmfao