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  1. T

    What does a Yoshi Egg taste like?

    I hope it tastes like cheese. Mmmmm, cheese...
  2. T

    9,000 Things in Mario games that don't exist in the Real World

    66. Giant apes that kidnap a plumber's girlfriend. 67. Stars that you can touch without incinerating. 67. Giant, flying, muck-hurling plants.
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    In this topic, post your height.

    I am 5'3 1/2 Yay, I used the glow thing! Ahem... Sorry, that was random. I am thirteen.
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    I am, oddly enough, fairly new to donuts. I prefer simple glazed donuts form Krispy Kreme. Then again, I have hardly tried anything else from anywhere else, so that might change. :)
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    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    Hello, everyone! I just joined a few minutes ago, although I already have experience in other forums. I am quite sure that I will participate often. Here is my information: Name: Maria Age: 13 Gender: Female, but you already knew that, hence the name... Location: United States Hobbies: Reading...