If the oldest movie you've seen is Bambi, please watch Snow White and Pinocchio. Those are absolute masterpieces and still some of the best things Disney has ever made.
Toru Furuya voiced Mario all the way back in 1986 for the anime movie. I think there's a high chance he's the first Mario actor, but there might be an earlier commercial with a speaking Mario out there.
Sounds interesting, I'm looking forward to it! A little disappointed about no Pokemon Mini though. I never had one myself, but I played a ton of Pokemon Channel growing up and remember being able to play several of the Pokemon Mini games in it.
You can read some of the manga on CoroCoro's website. Currently it's just the first three chapters and a few others but there's a chance they might do a limited full release someday like they've done for other manga when there's a related event.
Otherwise your...