the 'shroom

  1. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 212

    Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! What's that? You were expecting somebody else? Ah, I see. Well, Shoey had some business he needed to attend to, so he asked if I could fly in and help out. All the same, November's issue is here, so let me direct you to some highlights! First up, we have...
  2. Hooded Pitohui

    Becoming a Volunteer Artist for The 'Shroom!

    Become a Volunteer Artist for The 'Shroom! Throughout its history, The 'Shroom has been extraordinarily lucky in having not only a massive slate of writers, but numerous talented and dedicated artists from this community voluntarily put their effort and time into crafting art assets for the...
  3. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 202

    New year, new Director, and a new issue coming right at you, it's issue 202 of The 'Shroom! A hearty congratulations goes out to Shoey and Meta Knight, winners of our Director Election and your new Director and Sub-Director, respectively! Please give them a warm welcome and lend them your...
  4. Hooded Pitohui

    Section Tools and Customization

    The 'Shroom strives to provide its writers with a wide variety of tools that can be used to enhance and customize their sections beyond what's possible through basic wiki markup. Through templates, background customization options, and more, we want to give writers as much control over the look...
  5. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 199

    Hello, all you readers of The 'Shroom! It's no trick, and it's packed with treats; issue 199 of The 'Shroom is here! Like the house that hands out the best candy on the street, we've packed in all your favorites! Find out the latest in Mushroom Kingdom sports, traverse the desert in an old Mario...
  6. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 198

    Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! On the incoming autumn winds (...or at least the ones which I wish were incoming…) issue 198 arrives! As always, we have plenty for you to peruse, from comics and stories to wordgames and game guides! A number of our regular sections are doing something...
  7. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 197

    So how about those Awards, huh? We had an outstanding set of Awards ceremonies once again this year, and if you haven't checked them out yet, you should take some time to do that... after you get your weekend started with issue 197 of The 'Shroom, that is! Yes, issue 197 is our typical...
  8. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 196

    Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! Did you enjoy the show last month? Hopefully you did, and hopefully you're ready for issue 196, because it is out now! We have plenty packed into this issue for you, from hot vacation spots down on Isle Delfino to clever comics, from album reviews to...
  9. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 195

    Come one, come all! Get your tickets! Grab your popcorn and your favorite candies! The show is about to begin! issue 195 of The 'Shroom is here! For our summer special, we're celebrating the big success of The Super Mario Bros. Movie by theming this issue around movies and cinema! Click over to...
  10. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 194

    Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! We're zooming through May, with big things on the horizon for this summer as Awards season kicks off, so you may want to read issue 194 of The 'Shroom to get all caught up before things pick up! Be sure to give the Staff Notes a read this month for some...
  11. Hooded Pitohui

    Issue 193

    Hello, all of you readers of The 'Shroom! Issue 193 is ready for you, and there's plenty for you to see, so go and give it a read! In addition to all of our usual offerings for you, we have a couple of pieces of news for you. First, while our highest priority this year is preparing issue 200...
  12. Waluigi Time

    Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown

    This thread is no longer active, thank you for your support! Now that Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown has found its footing, I've decided that it's time to open it up to the readers. If you don't already know, Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown is my monthly section in The 'Shroom where two characters from...