What lives you lost while playing the perfect run (spoilers)

I got 99 lives before that, too.
You need to have your friends to play with 2p for perfect run, it is helpful ;)
I lost more lives than I could count. Still, I had enough lives to avoid a Game Over.
ToxBox said:
You need to have your friends to play with 2p for perfect run, it is helpful ;)
I completed the ultimate Test with my Sister as Co Star Luma but then she got bored of the game and I really need her on the game again so we can do the perfecrt Run
Well it's a lot better if you know all the tricks, like with the spiky laser wave generators, if you get past them, the wave will stop.
About 7. This galaxy is howdoIsayit not-very-amusing and it is way more tedious than hard.