New Super Bros. 2 ?!?!

:mario:On YouTube, a person imagined and wrote music for a DS game called NewSuperMario 2: Secret of the Dry Guys. I am afraid to contact Nintendo for a request. The story is that Mario and Luigi find out that NSMB was all an experiment-for immortality! They learn at an Italian reasturant back home that only the Dry Guys know the antidote for Bowser being immortal. At the end of the desert world, the Dry Guys are found, but go to Bowser's castle to prepare the antidote. At the end, the plumbers drizzle the secret antidote over Bowser, killing him. The plumbers come back to their well earned pizza, and the door closes, ending the game.
I've never heard of Nintendo accepting a request for a Mario game like that, so I wouldn't bother. If they do make an NSMB2, they'll probably make the plot a lot simpler.
Mason said:
I've never heard of Nintendo accepting a request for a Mario game like that, so I wouldn't bother. If they do make an NSMB2, they'll probably make the plot a lot simpler.
I already know the plot!

Bowser steals peach , and then Mario and Luigi need to go through 8 worlds and 8 castles to save here. The end.
Mushmaniac said:
this was not my idea.
I just don't see them putting an exaggerated RPG story into a platformer. It would be nice to see a SMB2 game in NSMB style, with the Veggie Lifting and other mechanics though.
Rainbow Parrotfish said:
Bowser steals peach , and then Mario and Luigi need to go through 8 worlds and 8 castles to save here. The end.

Sad to say, that's Mario in a nutshell.