Improv Conversations


a rhinestone cowboy
This game is very simple, all you do is say a sentence starting with a letter, then the next person has to respond to that with a sentence starting with the next letter. This isn't a story, it's a conversation between multiple people.
First letter: A
Anyone want some apples?
But I can't eat apples!
I see what you did there.
Goddess of Death said:
I see what you did there.
Uh, that was an accident.


Hell, thanks to my dumb mistake, I have to use h to make up for it. What did you see?
Use a "J" to continue.
I see what you did with the H.


Kan you see me?
You were supposed to do M
My, my, so many people breaking the rules
ROTFLOL, you are only supposed to do on sentence. Though it can't possivly matter.
Whoops, looks l really do have bad spelling.
zOMG no, that would make the grapes unhappy.