Mario Party 3's 10 Anniversary


Cheep Cheep
In the USA anyway. This month, on May 7th, 2001; Mario Party 3 got released in the USA, it was released in Europe on November 16th of 2001. I just thought it was interesting that it's been 10 years since Mario Party 3 was released, I feel like it was just yesterday that I would be playing this all day with my friends... Oh, time flies... :P So, yeah, are you amazed it's been 10 years since Mario Party 3's been released, and do you think we could expect Mario Party 3 coming on the Virtual Console? Discuss.
Amazing story, let's have a drink! (-_-)
I think Mario Party 3 was the best in the series. That may be because of nostalgia though... said:

Leonyx said:
I think Mario Party 3 was the best in the series. That may be because of nostalgia though...
Nostalgia does play a big part in liking older games, but I also like Mario Party 3 because it had good boards, great mini-games, and a good item system, that's why I like it. I mainly get nostalgic when I hear the music; it's more memorable than the first Mario Parties. :P
Mario Party 3 is a good game in my opinion as well. It had some funny and fun parts along the game. It's nice to see people recognize these types of games as each game should be seen with respect seeing how hard the developers worked to make each game. Anyways a happy anniversary to Mario Party 3! (wonder when Mario Party 3^2 will come out).
Peachy said:
Nostalgia does play a big part in liking older games, but I also like Mario Party 3 because it had good boards, great mini-games, and a good item system, that's why I like it. I mainly get nostalgic when I hear the music; it's more memorable than the first Mario Parties. :P

Thank you for putting in words how I felt. I feel like the newer Mario Party's just haven't reached the level Mario Party 3 did in terms of minigames.
Peachy said:
do you think we could expect Mario Party 3 coming on the Virtual Console? Discuss.

The first Smash Bros. came out during April 1999, and it was released on VC in December 2009.

Mario Party 2 came out in 2000 and it's VC release was December 2010.

I will say that the chances are very likely.
Without nostalgia, 6 is my favorite. Nostalgia value counted in, 3 takes the cake.
Oh my gosh I remember seeing the commercial for this game and wanting for it Christmas when it was new. It's already 10 years old. :eek: I hardly remember it, though. I was too young to remember a lot.

SMG2 turned 1 yesterday too.
I barely played that game (Mario Party 3). :'(
I still remember when I got the all new, revolutionary Nintendo 64, with Super Mario 64.
Before I got it, I didn't know what's gaming at all.
But that was 14 years ago, and I still have my N64, and I sometimes play SM64 for fun (on my Wii, the controller is kind of fucked up).