Let's play some Hangman!


Donkey Kong
Basically, this is how it's gonna work. I'm gonna start a game of Hangman, and you guys try to guess the letters. Whoever guesses it correctly or whoever gets the last letter of it correctly gets to start their own hangman. You must provide a category for your word/phrase, such as Food, Video game, etc. Capiche? Okay.

As for the Hangman parts, don't add the top hat or any silly gadgets like that. The only parts you can have are head, torso, arms, legs, feet, and hands, for a total of 10 chances at your word/phrase. All of these parts look like this:

| . O.
| \|/
| /\
| . .

EDIT: I've laid down a few new rules for this game.

Rule 1: If you don't update your Hangman for 3 days, someone else will have the opportunity to take over. This also applies if someone guessed a Hangman correctly, but hasn't made one for 3 days.

Rule 2: Don't make a new Hangman unless the person that created the previous Hangman has confirmed your answer. Don't just make a guess assuming you're right and make one.

Rule 3: Only guess one letter per post. If you post things like "A, E, I, O, U, S, R" or anything that includes more than one letter, it will not be accepted. Please keep it down to one letter to make things fair.

Category: Video Game Series


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Guess a letter!
Re: Let's play some Hangman!

Re: Let's play some Hangman!

Fawfulfury65 said:
The answer looks like Banjo Kazooie.


In that case, you get to start a Hangman. Just copy and paste the diagram from the first post if you need it.
Re: Let's play some Hangman!

Category: Pokemon (to be more specific: It's from Generation 3).

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Re: Let's play some Hangman!

Re: Let's play some Hangman!

Is there an E?

Edit: yay post conflict.
Re: Let's play some Hangman!

Is there an A?
Re: Let's play some Hangman!

X if the above is wrong?
Re: Let's play some Hangman!


If it's right, I have to go offline in a few seconds, so I won't be able to post a new puzzle until tomorrow, just so you know. I guess someone else can do one.