Issue the above user a warning for a stupid reason!

Mario Super Sluggers

The Baby Fan
A warning was issued for hating the Baseball event in Wii Sports.

You can issue last warnings too.
Yeah sure why not.

A warning was issued for double posting.
A warning was issued for taking this long to respond.

The promote to sysop and block ones are popular, so why not this?
Warned for being yourself
Warned for warning someone.
Warned for warning someone who warned someone
Warned for warning someone who warned someone who warned someone
Warned for warning someone who warned someone who warned someone who warned a warned person
Warned because c-c-c-combo breaker
Warning for breaking the combo.
Warned for saying that.
Warning for being a copycat
You started the coexist.
And read my sig, my life is paradoxical.
Last Warning for not giving a last warning to somebody.