Question About Mafia


Proud Manufacturer of Item Boxes
I've heard about Mafia games on these and other forums, but I don't know what they are.

What exactly is the Mafia game? How would I go about playing for tie first time?
It begun in the Forum Games section, but it became way to much overrated, so the Administrators created a new sub-Forum for it.
I've seen the sub-forum, YamiHoshi, but there is no explanation of how to play.

Is this game done via personal messages? If so, do I just sign up in one of the open topics, and I'll be told what to do in a message?
I don't know neither, as I never played any Mafia game.
I was invited to do that in the past, but I've denied them all.
Read the link I posted. And after you've read it:
All the night actions happen with PM's.
Thank you. Are there any Mafia games open for signing up right now?
Thanks, New Super Yoshi. I think I'll sign up for the Mario Party Mafia.