Mario Golf Sequel

I want new character losing animations.

Plus, bring this guy back NOW. And add his brother


Baby Mario + Baby Luigi + Bogey animations + Double Bogey animations = Epic Win
For some reason, the birdie challenge is fun when you're playing with other guys.

Waluigi is the pin shot master, by the way.
I never really liked Mario Golf. I much prefer Mario Tennis.
I never played Mario Golf too much, so I would be looking forward to a Mario Golf sequel
I'm not too interested in Golf, though. Too much standing around.
Ornithologist Mario said:
I'm not too interested in Golf, though. Too much standing around.

You're disregarding the bogey animations :(
Yeah, I think those are weird, but funny.
I like it how Luigi, Yoshi, and Birdo stomp their feet when they get a bogey. And Wario tossing that boulder? That's pure gold.
Yoshi twirls around until he falls.
Baby Luigi said:
I like it how Luigi, Yoshi, and Birdo stomp their feet when they get a bogey. And Wario tossing that boulder? That's pure gold.

And he just got that boulder from out of nowhere.

Anyhoo, I would LOVE to see a Mario Golf sequel, they need to make one. With more playable characters.
I don't think they can do much with a sequel except add more characters and courses...
Snowstalker said:

Ok, instead of just saying a single word with barely any meaning, why not contribute to the conversation?
Yeah, this isn't the "Count until a Girl/Woman posts thread."

There are too much Mario platformers that take 3 days to 100% anyway.
And we're multiplayer people, so Mario platformers are not the games for us
LOL, BLOF and I saw that video yesterday.

I knew Mario was crazy when he got a birdie and an eagle.

You should seen the taunts video

"Seriously, are you aiming there?"

*Peach hits it there*