3DS Lag


Artisanal Cheese Taster
I don't know why I find this unusual, but when playing the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, my 3DS lags in certain parts, such as the battle with Ganondorf. Does anyone else experience this?
Nabber said:
I don't know why I find this unusual, but when playing the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, my 3DS lags in certain parts, such as the battle with Ganondorf. Does anyone else experience this?
Your not alone, it also dose for me.
It's a known issue.
It also happens in the whole Aquas stage in Star Fox 64 3D; the entire stage lags.
YamiHoshi.nl said:
It's a known issue.
It also happens in the whole Aquas stage in Star Fox 64 3D; the entire stage lags.

But the game hasn't come out yet...
But I have the game in Japanese...
If I didn't have the game, I didn't say that.
YamiHoshi.nl said:
But I have the game in Japanese...
If I didn't have the game, I didn't say that.

Lucky. I actually I'm cutting down my list of games this year 'cause there are too many. Oops, looks like another year I won't get COD!
The only games I'm getting this year, are Kirby's Adventure Wii, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Super Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart 7 (they really had to release the game I've enjoyed the most on all of those Events at the end?).
YamiHoshi.nl said:
The only games I'm getting this year, are Kirby's Adventure Wii, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Super Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart 7 (they really had to release the game I've enjoyed the most on all of those Events at the end?).

Wait. You've gone to gaming events? Like E3, Tokyo Game Show, PAX, etc.?

Lucky, again. The games I want are Professor Layton and the Last Specter, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, and some other games. I'll see. Maybe Star Fox, the trailers look really good in 3D. :) And then I have my ten free GBA games. Play on!
grimAuxiliatrix said:
I have OoT 3D, but I'm not to Ganondorf yet, so I honestly can't answer.

It's not only Ganondorf. It's the only specific spot I remember, but I do know that there were other areas where the game would kind of lag slightly.
You shouldn't find lags unusual. Usually, there are too many stuff happening in the game at the same time that causes the lag.
Well, I haven't experience lag in a video game in a long time, so I kind of find this unusual. With the type of games coming out on the 3DS, this could be a problem.
Well, if too much stuff are happening in a video game (such as the final boss fight in Kirby's Epic Yarn), then it will start to lag.
My sister and I were fighting him and several tons of beads were flying out of him.
Oh, that might be possible. Having lots of things on the screen can definitley make it lag.
That was interesting, but the game still lagged a lot. And there wasn't too much happening in OoT, anyway.
Games only lag for me when there's a lot of stuff going on at once. The older games lag more usually.

The Parrot Chute Panic level in the GBA version of Donkey Kong Country 2 lags almost the whole way through.
Not exactly these Events, as I went to Events inside Europe only.
I was first invited to Nintendo 3DS Kick Off Event in Amsterdam, but I didn't went to it, due to broken cars.
Then I was invited to Nintendo's Post E3 Event in Nieuwegein (Nintendo Benelux's main office), and I went to it.
Most recently, I went to Gamescom 2011 by Press Ticket, which I got for all 5 days for free, through the official way.
In Colors on act 2 on Sweet Montain when you drill it lags a bit since they might be a tad to much going on.
Koopa Kid said:
Super mario Galaxy lags for me sometimes, and some IOS games like Mega Jump

I don't think iOS is too powerful, unless you're running an iPhone game on and iPad.