3DS to get a second analog attachment


beep bep boop

That's not a fake.

Me? I'm not being an early adapter ever again.
They should have put the analog stick on the 3DS in the first place
It doesn't even look handy, as it blocks your "R" button, it blocks the blue On/Sleep indicator, you can't use the 2nd analog stick and the action buttons as fast as you can on PS2/PS3, X360, or GCN controllers, and most importantly, it makes your 3DS only bigger, so it no longer fits your pocket, plus the fact that the analog stick is going to be fucked up if it's not protected.
Besides, it'll make the access for smaller hands harder.
I don't necessarily think it's all that bad. You guys don't have to buy it And even if the 2nd circle pad was somewhere on the system it'd be awkward placing for the other buttons (A B X Y) since the Analog stick would be diagonal from the left one. We just have to see if there will be any huge games that practically require or are easier to control with 2 circle pads. I don't think it's fair to say the 3DS is doomed because of a cheap accessory.
It just depends on how many games in the future will even require this. If it's only like 3 games it's not that big a deal. No need to blow it out of proportion quite yet.
>>Northern Verve
Note that games programmed for 1 Slide Pad can't recognize the add-on, so they need to be programmed for it.
It's still not a big deal unless Nintendo announces that most of the games they release from now on require it. All I've heard is that the accessory comes with the Monster Hunter 3DS game that was announced. All it means is you can't easily take Monster Hunter on the road but you still have games coming up in the future and presently that you CAN take on the road.

Until there's proof that Nintendo plans to use this 2nd pad for most of the future games and thus actually plans to make a redesign sometime. I don't think it's the right time to whine about it.
I don't think that will work.
Honestly I'd rasther have a redesign. The current one seems really bulky, and I heard that it has low battery life. Honestly, I'd just wait for the redesign
Wayward Vagabond said:
Honestly I'd rasther have a redesign. The current one seems really bulky, and I heard that it has low battery life. Honestly, I'd just wait for the redesign

I don't think it's going to have a redesign so soon. That'd be ridiculous, and even if they do plan a redesign I'd expect it to be at least 2 years before they do anything like that
Hmm. If it comes as an add-on for a game I want, I'll take it, but otherwise I doubt I'll get this. Looks pretty bad...
Adding a second analog stick would benefit us lefties in some games, but they should have implemented the second analog stick into the 3DS in the first place, not add some big, bulky contraption to it.