ITT: Vidya Game Music Remixes/Covers


Donkey Kong
Retired Forum Mod

I enjoy a few of them by this dude:

I wouldn't say they're top-of-the-line remixes or anything, but I enjoy listening to them enough to put them on repeat and do mindless activities to.

No I don't expect any of you to actually download this. Worth a shot though.
Herr Shyguy said:

No I don't expect any of you to actually download this. Worth a shot though.
I downloaded quite a few of those albums a while back before me computer crashed. Thanks for reminding me to get them back.

Obligatory Floating Cloud dump ahead. Try to ignore the pictures...
Why don't ye people like folk music more?
I agree. I don't think any other remix of Proto Man's theme will be able to top that one.
