What upcoming 3DS games do you want the most?

For this year, Tetris, Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7.
I'll buy Mario Tennis, Paper Mario, Monster Hunter 3G, and more next year.

I already have Super Pokémon Rumble, so that's why I didn't include it.
I know, you guys already have it.

Damn it, why does Japan always get all the good games first? :-[

But anyway, I'm getting it on the release date. Same with 3D Land.
Europe doesn't have it neither yet (December 2nd).
Well, you can get stuff from Japan because you buy it FROM Japan.

Or something like that.

I'm stuck in America where the only games that are good are Star Fox 64 3D and OOoT 3D.
I did that on purpose, because I want to have games early, Pokémon in Japanese names, and some Japan-only games (Taiko no Tatsujin and iDOLM@STER, for example).
1. Mario Kart 7
2. Mario Tennis 3DS
3. Luigi's Mansion
4. Paper Mario 3DS
In no particular order:

1. Sonic Generations

2. Sonic Mario 3D Land

3. Paper Mario 3DS

4. Luigi's Mansion 2

That's about it.
SM3DL, MK7, LM2, and PM.

Too bad Paper Mario doesn't come out until next year, even if it was announced a year and a half ago or something.
Ace Combat: Cross Rumble, Luigi's Mansion 2 and maybe Kid Icarus Uprising.
Super Pokémon Rumble is actually a fun game, but it's also very simular to the Wii version.
My review (Spoiler Warning!):
At the moment, probably either Luigi's Mansion 2 or Mario Kart 7 (though I am leaning towards the latter as I adore the Mario Kart games).

Super Mario 3D Land looks alright, but I am not sure if I completely want that game. We have not gotten enough info for Paper Mario as well, so I am just going to wait and see how that game goes too in the future.
YamiHoshi.nl said:
Super Pokémon Rumble is actually a fun game, but it's also very simular to the Wii version.
My review (Spoiler Warning!):
Read the review. Thanks! I guess I'll just wait for Mario Land and Mario Kart.
Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Star Fox 64 3D.

I might get some other games but those are the main ones
Crackin355 said:
Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Star Fox 64 3D.

I might get some other games but those are the main ones
Star Fox 3D is already out.

For me it's Super Mario 3D Land ,Paper Mario and Mario Kart 7.
Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion, and SM3DL look really interesting. Not entirelly fascinated by the new Mario Kart though.
Do they have to be popular ones?
Because I'm personally getting quite excited about the release of Generator Rex:Agent of Providence being released next Friday.
Aside from that, looking forward to Sonic Generations.
Mario Kart 3DS is my most anticipated game for now.