Alternate Alternian Adventure

Dr. Javelin

Nathan Latsk
So while I was sitting here cursing my blasted camera that has prevented me from doing much of anything towards The Four Kingdoms, I got this brilliant idea.

Then I wasn't so sure if it was brilliant or not so I decided to post it here.


We all know the story of Karkat and his strange group of trolls. Their adventures in SGRUB have made them legendary.

But they were not the only trolls to gain access to SGRUB.

Another strange group of twelve trolls gained access to the SGRUB network after Karkat's computer exploded and threw his hard drive all the way to the dwelling of Sirius Glaive, a violet-blooded troll who would soon unite eleven of his friends and enemies on a quest to save themselves from the incoming disaster.

This is their story.

1. Daegus Byston (pyromaniacMurderer) FIREkirby
2. Shamri Terata (calumniatingYeanling) turb?
3. Axenon Zentar (grinningStabber) N&BB=R
4. Monali Thulle (nuclearMudwater) OJ TOAD
5. Ariele Hedlnd (creativeGamer) NintindoQueen
6. Pazuzu Haydes (incompetentBonehead) MR BONES
7. Nollen Klavus (intrepidCleaver) yos#iwaker
8. Merric Loarre (perplexedPacifist) ***quizmomaniac***
9. Grevus Drager (freezingWhisperer) koopayosh|
10. Sirius Glaive (serpentineLancer) Dr. J^ve|in
11. Concat Horsus (asinineConcrete) MrConcreteDonkey
12. Lilyan Trifel (wildestScribe) lily

If you want to sign up I will need from you:
NAME: Six letters for first and last. Same as the rest of the trolls.
HEMOSPECTRUM: Don't take one that has already been taken in this story. If you pick grey, then you can choose to reveal your color at a later time. Post the troll in Homestuck yours is equal to.
FETCH MODUS: I'll need a description of how this works.
TITLE: I need a description of what this does.

For example, this would be my sign-up.
NAME: Sirius Glaive
TROLLTAG: serpentineLancer
HEMOSPECTRUM: Violet (= Gamzee)
FETCH MODUS: COAT MODUS Can hold a near unlimited amount of items, but the item's identity is obscured on the card, making it difficult to tell what the items are sometimes.
TYPING QUIRK: Replaces a's with ^ and l's with |. L's tilt to a's if they are nearby.
TITLE: Knight of Mind Sirius is totally immune to all mind-reading/control powers. He also never forgets anything.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

I'll sign up.

NAME: Nollen Klavus
TROLLTAG: intrepidCleaver
FETCH MODUS: DS Modus - Stores items into a DS, where they can be retrieved from or sent to others.
TYPING QUIRK: all lowercase, replaces t with + and replaces h with #.
TITLE: Warrior of Breath Can sometimes use wind to attack.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

NAME: Druong Rudieg
TROLLTAG: dreamingDeath
FETCH MODUS: Mirror Modus - Stores items in his mirror, where millions of items can be placed, and to retrieve, Neutron needs to take them out himself. Since it's a mirror, they can be easily duplicated.
TYPING QUIRK: all uppercase, replaces a with @, replaces j with ), replaces v with <, w with >, and each space is a period.
TITLE: Mage of Time Can travel in time or teleport at any time. Can also freeze time for up to 1 minute.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

[⁠font=Courier][⁠b][⁠color=purple]10. Nebula Pierce (serpentineLancer)[⁠/color][⁠/b][⁠/font] Dr. Javelin

Come on man, at least get the color of your own blood right.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

carcinoGeneticist said:
[⁠font=Courier][⁠b][⁠color=purple]10. Nebula Pierce (serpentineLancer)[⁠/color][⁠/b][⁠/font] Dr. Javelin

Come on man, at least get the color of your own blood right.
I couldn't find Gamzee's exact one, I was using the colors Ralph posted in the Official Homestuck name thread and he didn't have Gamzee's.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Re: Homestuck story idea?

Ah, thanks. I had just found it after Yoshiwaker told me to check though. Thanks anyways.

Will fix this.

EDIT: DoNe. :eek:)
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Noooo problem. ;⁠)
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Joining this FTW:
Let's pull up the details of my troll.
If that color isn't accurate whatever. I just picked neat random because Gamzee's was taken (I like purple)
Name: Merric Loarre
Trolltag:perplexedPacifist (PP)
Strife Spectibus:Inconvenientsledgehammerkind
Fetch Modus:Puzzle Modus - Breaks objects into pieces, which are then put in a spot in your inventory. To access the items, you must open the box and solve the puzzle. A more powerful item will have more pieces.
Typing Quirk: Begins and ends posts with *** because he lives in a snowy place in the middle of nowhere. Also, he likes to imatitate the typing styles of others while in 1 on 1 chat, but in a memo, he doesn't have a quirck. (He does this *** regardless of who he's talking to though)
Title: Baron of Frost He can freeze objects for theamount of time His power and concentration last. So far, that is 5-10 minutes on a regular troll. More powerful enemies or bigger ones will obviously be harder to freeze. He can also create ice paths to skate on. these melt relatively quickly though, depending on the environment.
Other random stuff: He hates sea dwellers, and always carries a pair of skates. He lives way up north and thrives in the cold, but easily faints anywhere hot.
This story sounds fun.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Dr. Javelin said:
Applejack said:
It can never be tl;dr to me, I'm always patient enough to read it all.

Do you want to be Vriska blue or Equius blue?
Either one is cool with me. You pick.
Also, it's okay if I provided details of where he lives etc?
Question, can he use his skates as a weapon?
Re: Homestuck story idea?

He can use his skates as a weapon if he has the skatekind Stripe Specibus card.

And yeah, you can say where he lives.

I'm putting you down as Vriska blue.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

NAME:[color=CC0066]Lillian Trifell
FETCH MODUS: Novel modus-you must describe the object in writing
TYPING QUIRK:Almost perfect grammar but never uses apostrophies, swears when enraged
TITLE: Rouge of Rage
EDIT:the text was meant to be magenta and here is a pic
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Link said:
NAME:[color=CC0066]Lillian Trifell
FETCH MODUS: Novel modus-you must describe the object in writing
TYPING QUIRK:Almost perfect grammar but never uses apostrophies, swears when enraged
TITLE: Rouge of Rage
1. Your name has to be six letters for both the first and last names.
2. Neither the Triforce nor the Gorillaz exist on Alternia, so you'll need to change that. Something more obscure but that still reflects your character.
3. You need to pick an already existing color and troll that goes with it for reference. Magenta/Red is already taken by Supremo.
4. That's swordkind. It works though.
5. Good.
6. Not using apostrophes isn't quirky enough.
7. Do you mean Rogue of Rage? Cause that's totally different from Rouge of Rage.

Also, check out my new avatar. If you guys want a troll done then PM me a description and I'll try to get it done.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

1.Ok, Lilyan Trifel
3.Purples(Like Feferi)
6. Uses 7's instead of R's and uses the :P smilie way too much.
7.Yes I did.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Update on typing quirk:

Starts with 7 at the beginning of him typing and 8 at the end of him typing.

Also, instead of O, he types *
Re: Homestuck story idea?


Also, I see with your troll has the Aries symbol. I'd like to make it so that they all have original symbols and not from the zodiac, after all the zodiac is an Earth thing that was only created by the trolls. When this group creates their Earth, that Earth's zodiac will be made of their symbols.

Mine is a spear.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Dr. Javelin said:

Also, I see with your troll has the Aries symbol. I'd like to make it so that they all have original symbols and not from the zodiac, after all the zodiac is an Earth thing that was only created by the trolls. When this group creates their Earth, that Earth's zodiac will be made of their symbols.

Mine is a spear.

I'll fix it.
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Here is my character:

Name: Ariele Hedlnd

Troll tag: creativeGamer

Hemospectrum: Green (arsenicCatnip)

Strife Specibus: Paintkind

Fetch Modus: Alphabetize (puts all items in alphabet order)

Typing Quirk: Uses correct punctu@tion & c@pit@liz@tion, however repl@ces A with @

Title: Defender of the Creative Mind---Ariele is a very artsy and creative troll. She can be a bit spacy at times.

**Also, for her symbol, use a paintbrush.**

How does this look, Javelin?! :) :) I'm going to go on and create Ariele using the troll creator!
Re: Homestuck story idea?

NAME: Daegus Byston
TROLLTAG: pyromaniacMurderer
FETCH MODUS: Card Modus.
TYPING QUIRK: Replaces a with 4, s with 5, c with ( and half of the time he types in caps and a other half he types lowercase.
TITLE: Seer of Death

can I add the description later? I have some homework to do. :mad:
Re: Homestuck story idea?

NintendoQueen said:
How does this look, Javelin?! :) :) I'm going to go on and create Ariele using the troll creator!
Your title is too similar to mine. Other than that, good.

Giratina said:
can I add the description later? I have some homework to do. :mad:
Re: Homestuck story idea?

Can I be in it?

Name:Julius Koopatroll (couldnt think of anything)
Color: the same as vriska
Strife severus: hammerkind
Fetch nodus: iPod modus: basically capachoging everything into an app
Typing quirk: k|nda l|ke th|s
Title: hero of space
Descripion: a nerdy gamer and he's shy around other

Sorry about all the spelling errors