Halloween Thread


TPY -- Massive Zebra Fan
Talk about whatever Halloween-related subject :yoshi:
Nice idea.
Halloween is awesome.
I'm dressing up as Rainbow Dash. Speaking of which, I really should do something with my sewing machine...hmmm.



This thread would not be complete without this:

Man, I love that movie. So putting it on now.
Also, my costume will be something more hand-sewn.
I've always wondered how Halloween came to be an international holiday when it was originally only a European thing.

Personally, I don't celebrate it. It doesn't seem to be that big down here, either; last year, we got a grand total of three trick-or-treaters that entire night, and I think the year before, we only got two.
Remilia Bloody Scarlet said:
Personally, I don't celebrate it. It doesn't seem to be that big down here, either; last year, we got a grand total of three trick-or-treaters that entire night, and I think the year before, we only got two.


We Brits don't take it as a big deal either. I think we got a grand total of even less than two trick-or-treaters for the past however many years.
Going as Dave Strider, it's been confirmed when I ordered the last Record Shirt in stock last night.
My country doesn't really celebrate Halloween, though I still get a bowl of candy in case some trick-or-treaters come to my door.

I went to a Halloween Party about 4 years ago. The next year I didn't go, and the year after it wasn't on. So I don't do much with Halloween.
I once won a costume competition at a Halloween party.

And that was the greatest achievement of my life.