Mario Should Have More Dialog

Mario Games Are Good But With Mario Just Saying Nothing And Just Nodding His Head Can Get Kinda Boring. Mario Only Talks In The TV Shows. :mario: I Wonder If Nintendo Will Ever Change That. He Does Not Even Have To Have A Actor Maybe Even A Dialog Box Like The Paper Mario Series. :posh: I Mean Even Peach Talks More Than :mario:.

Ya Guys Agree With Me?
Well, First Of All, You Don't Need To Have The First Letter Of Every Word In Capital, Just The First In Every Sentence.

Now that that's out of the way, why does Mario need to talk more? One of the nice things about him, in my opinion, is that he doesn't talk, and has basically no personality, at least in the mainstream games, not sure about the RPGs. When he has no personality, it lets you use your imagination more than if he had a personality and a voice. And I'm so used to him not talking, when I see some advertisment which has him talking in full sentences, (I've seen 2 so far) it sounds really weird.
I think it's fine. I like how in the M&L series, he speaks Italian gibberish. Just leave it the way it it. The playable pokemon trainer character doesn't talk and thats fine.
I prefer silent protagonists 99% of the time. However, in a really good JRPG, a talking protagonist can be a powerful weapon, but it takes a high amount of precision to make a character I feel like playing as and still have good dialogue. Two developers good at this are Square Enix and Gamevil (Korean iOS dev), although the former prefers to use battle elements while the latter tends to overuse comic relief.

In Nintendo games, I prefer the silent protagonist as it connects with me better, especially Link and Samus.
Lord Ghirahim said:
I prefer silent protagonists 99% of the time. However, in a really good JRPG, a talking protagonist can be a powerful weapon, but it takes a high amount of precision to make a character I feel like playing as and still have good dialogue. Two developers good at this are Square Enix and Gamevil (Korean iOS dev), although the former prefers to use battle elements while the latter tends to overuse comic relief.

In Nintendo games, I prefer the silent protagonist as it connects with me better, especially Link and Samus.
I agree. But like I said above. It's cool to have Mario saying a bunch of gibberish. I also enjoy silent protagonists (Mario, Pokemon Trainer, Link, many more)
Lord Ghirahim said:
In Nintendo games, I prefer the silent protagonist as it connects with me better, especially Link and Samus.

That's excactly why I like it when the protagonist is silent and has no personality.
Epic Nitwit said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
In Nintendo games, I prefer the silent protagonist as it connects with me better, especially Link and Samus.

That's excactly why I like it when the protagonist is silent and has no personality.
Yeah. It really enhances the role playing in certain games. You can make the character have whatever personalty you want.
GalacticPetey said:
Epic Nitwit said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
In Nintendo games, I prefer the silent protagonist as it connects with me better, especially Link and Samus.

That's excactly why I like it when the protagonist is silent and has no personality.
Yeah. It really enhances the role playing in certain games. You can make the character have whatever personalty you want.

I like Portal 2, because while the protagonist is entirely silent, there's still heaps of story in it.
Okay you guys are right Mario should be silent. I just got owned. Anyway I signed up for this website just less than 1 hour ago. :rolleyes: ;D
Supertails10 said:
Okay you guys are right Mario should be silent. I just got owned. Anyway I signed up for this website just less than 1 hour ago. :rolleyes: ;D
Then you have had your first lesson in dealing with some of these users
Mario did speak in full sentences once. It was during the Mario Sports Mix conference. I really liked that and I wish Mario and his other guys would speak like that again. I really don't mind full voice acting in the Mario series. I didn't really care how bad Super Mario Sunshine's voice acting was.
^Unnecessary post.

I am a grammar Nazi, and I found reading the first post hard.

Anyway, I rather have Mario talk. He doesn't sound horrible in the Press Conference thing.
Epic Nitwit said:
Well, First Of All, You Don't Need To Have The First Letter Of Every Word In Capital, Just The First In Every Sentence.

GA: Ever Heard Of Kanaya?

Sharks Territory said:
Did He Have Any Lines In Sunshine?

Also, Hi Kanaya.


On-topic, I would like every character in the Mario series to have more personality. Except Mario. He's fine the way he is.
Yoshi doesn't need more personality either.
Supertails10 said:
Wow you guys are serious!

Yes, we are very, very serious. :posh: The Mindless Junk board will prove that.

Toad85 said:
On-topic, I would like every character in the Mario series to have more personality. Except Mario. He's fine the way he is.

I probably wouldn't care about the others as long as Mario stays the same as he is.
Mario isn't silent. He says little phrases and words. I'm fine with this, but I wish they would have full voice acting like in Sunshine again.
Ultraluigi said:
Mario isn't silent. He says little phrases and words. I'm fine with this, but I wish they would have full voice acting like in Sunshine again.

Did you ever watch the Mario Sportx Mix conference interview with Mario? He speaks full sentences there.
Baby Luigi said:
Ultraluigi said:
Mario isn't silent. He says little phrases and words. I'm fine with this, but I wish they would have full voice acting like in Sunshine again.

Did you ever watch the Mario Sportx Mix conference interview with Mario? He speaks full sentences there.

Martinet was actually pretty amusing. I liked Mario's foray into public speaking.