Happy 11th Anniversary Paper Mario


Banned User
February 5th, 2001. The best friggen day in the history of the universe. This is the month it turns 11. That's like a whole 'nother person. I'm going to be writing a Specail Section for the shroom to honor the 11th anniversary of Paper Mario and nobody will never gonna guess what it is!
Super Mario Sunshine will become ten this year. It's time for me to play that again...
Lario said:
Super Mario Sunshine will become ten this year. It's time for me to play that again...
That's not unti August I'll cook something special up for that when it comes.
though I love Paper, we ask for frequency but this series is only consisted of 3 games to date.
if it's frequent or has many games, I'd celebrate it
I forgot exactly WHEN I started playing Paper Mario the first time, but I rented it from Blockbuster at first, then I got it for my birthday or Christmas or something, because it was so awesome.

11 years. It WAS a long time ago.
Herr Shyguy said:
You people let Marwikedor write for the Shroom?
I'm doing everything in my limited power to fix that, don't worry.
How long did it take you to come up with that retort, mate? You should be a professional comedian with that wit.
LOL the Aussie was just joking about having me fired I should have known he was but I have reason to be paranoid.
Happy anniversary, Paper Mario! I actually can't find my copy of it right now, but I'll look for it. I can't wait until Paper Mario 3DS is released.
Dorayaki said:
though I love Paper, we ask for frequency but this series is only consisted of 3 games to date.
if it's frequent or has many games, I'd celebrate it

Frequency doesn't matter. It means Nintendo is taking their time with the games.
Cap'n Falcon said:
Happy anniversary, Paper Mario! I actually can't find my copy of it right now, but I'll look for it. I can't wait until Paper Mario 3DS is released.
I wish I knew more information about it, or at least knew for sure if partners will be implimented like they were in the first two games. :-\