Basically it's a documentary about people people who have been victims of being bullied.
Being a get who has been bullied and also unintentionally the bully (I was a really dumb kid and just did what others told me to do), I am in full support of this movie, and will most definitely go to see it when it comes out on March 30 this year.
I was first alerted of this movie when I came across this petition on to change the rating of this movie from an "R" to "PG-13". Personally, I like that idea, because as a PG-13, it will be able to reach a wider audience and raise awareness that bullying is STILL a problem that hasn't been fixed yet.
If you want, you can sign the petition here:
The person who started the petition is a woman who's involved in this documentary, who was bullied herself, namely she was ganged up by 4 guys, called named and had a locker door slammed on her hand.
I mean, seriously, HOW do people get away with this shit?! Why is this still a problem?! Isn't anyone out there going to help these kids?!