Share weird dreams here...


Star Spirit
I'll get the ball rolling:

-DK64 was another MVSDK game. And it looked cool. I'm-a go put it in the Mario games you want thread.
-I got my hands on some Zelda manga. It was published by shohen jump, and because of that, the first issue focused around Link fighting Goku. If only Link appeared in Jump Ultimate Stars...
-I met Uniju in person. He was like, 11 years old (No offense Uni. Dreams are weird. Hence the title)
I lol'd at the last one... XP

Anyway I have tons of weird dreams. I'll just share 5.

1. Last night I had a dream that I got this giant rubix cube that I kept on my bed; that's all I remember. When I woke up, I looked around my bed, and said, "where is it?" my mom came in to check on me, and then she asked me, "what are you doing?" I just told her that I was going to get a midnight snack....

2. I had another where this giant evil necklace invaded my house and cloned my dad. Later, I went to the kitchen and told mom, she was wearing a strange gown and had snakes for hair, so I walked away and went to my brother's room. He was playing some sort of game and ignored me the whole time. The dream ended when I had school that day.

3. Aliens invaded my backyard. I went there and ran to the UFO with them. Nothing else.

4. My Animal Crossing Wild World house was complete and finished. When I woke up and started to play the game, turns out, it was still my crappy small house.

5. A giant Yoshi was in the living room and started sucking my flesh.

ghostyoshi67 said:
I lol'd at the last one... XP

5. A giant Yoshi was in the living room and started sucking my flesh.


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I've dreamed of the 3 water courses in SM64DS. o_O
1. Dire, Dire Docks had a library in the docks-area. And Toad was there.
2. Jolly Roger Bay was COMPLETELY different. The first area was a dark lake with Dorrie at the bottom (he was chained...). Then he transformed into a Boss Bass or Bubba or how they're called. And it got unchained. There also was a larger pirate ship and Unagi the Eel swam around it. The second area was brighter area which could be accessed through a large hole in a rock wall. There many, er, pieces of a pirate ship were on the surface. With Goombas and stuff. There were the caps, too, including a dark-blue/violet one which could transform you into a Mario-like character (not Waluigi). The "new" JRB could be accessed through a painting with a lake and rocks (just like the first area). Believe this or not, I really dreamed that.
3. Wet-Dry-World had a new area with many pipes and a strange green fish. Hard to describe (actually, I'm also a bit too lazy :P).

And I once dreamed, someone used my account and I had 1800 posts in one night and 600 of it were in only one spam-topic... He also had an avatar with Mario from Charged.

I wonder what one can dream... >_>
Uniju said:
If you don't get this dream, I don't blame you(Yeah, I remember the dream... :-X)

OK, so basically there are these weird mini-dimensions that can be accessed through weird warps, and people use these weird mini-dimensions to create virtual realities, which seem to always be for edutainment purposes. And we(Me, Snack(my brother, for all you nubs who don't know), my sister, and my mom) are going around going into the mini-dimension things. A bit later, we all go into the house across the street from ours because they have one of the mini-dimensions in their home(which happens to look exactly like our house from the inside), and we go in to go into the mini-dimension, but everyone but me said that they had been in this one already, so only I go through. But before going all the way through the warp(Which was gotten to through a closet) the people who lived in the house said that they weren't letting anyone go through, so I came back. When I came back, my mom wanted to talk to me about something, but before she did, I casually asked why there where two of her there. To this, one of them responded that because I was going through the warp, two exist in that world I had to have been born in that world, so a duplicate version of my mom was created, but it got totally messed up because I had to come out before going through the warp. After that, I thought that going through the warp would fix it, and I went through, but when I came back, the whose online list showed "mom" twice(Yeah, it changed to IRC... What else would I dream about?). So I went back and forth through the warps a bit, but it didn't change.

After that I can't really remember any of the dream.

But it's more than I usually remember of dreams anyway, so...

lol wow I was expecting a Sonic dream or something. :P

Oh yeah, another dream of mine.

So I was chatting with this one guy on "Skype" (even though I don't have it o_O) apparently he was :posh: and was having a tea party or something.... I couldn't remember the rest of it.
Uh... I rarely dream anymore, but if I do, it's a weird one...

Can't rember anything...
Uh yeah, forgot to tell you:
The day before yesterday I dreamed about Strikers. And I lost all my progress and my actual team (which is Mario, Hammer Bro., Boo, Monty in RL and I think it was this in the dream) in the finale of the Striker Cup. ;_; Then I could choose Koopa as my team captain (lol) but I got Yoshi. And I started in the Striker Cup again. I can't remember the rest.

I'm too Strikers-fanatic. :P
ghostyoshi67 said:
I had another where this giant evil necklace invaded my house and cloned my dad. Later, I went to the kitchen and told mom, she was wearing a strange gown and had snakes for hair, so I walked away and went to my brother's room. He was playing some sort of game and ignored me the whole time. The dream ended when I had school that day.

Best. Dream. Ever.

Once I dreamt that my teeth were made out of beetroot.

Other than that, I don't remember anything. I guesss my life is weird enough to make me not dream weird.
here is my most common one

1.the futer

i'm dead serious, if i'm asleep, i will be able to see into the futer, but i won't remember that dream until the event of that dream actually happens

i also get another one ofter

2. Fog
crystalking said:
1.the futer

i'm dead serious, if i'm asleep, i will be able to see into the futer, but i won't remember that dream until the event of that dream actually happens
That happens to nearly EVERYONE. And it's only an unimportant event. The first time I dreamed about the "future" (I was small then) I dreamed a small stone (which was white and I colored it pink o_O) would fall down on the ground and I would pick it up. Teh neksht dai itt rilleh happnt.
i remember 1 major jump into the furter

i was in 3rd grade and i dreamed of something that happened in 7th grade
Uniju said:
I lol'd at the fact that someone cares about grammar, yet they use terms like "lol'd"
Lol'd is a fictional word. You're isn't.

I always dream I get the solution of the game and then I'm disappointed that I didn't finish it in RL. :-[ ;D
I dreamed today that I was visiting Ghosty and she had TLL on her Wii and I wasn't allowed to play it and she and someone else were playing it but both lost a life. Then I beat the level without losing a life. Ghosty didn't play another role in the dream, but the level went from a snowy area to a cave area and then it was in 3D and you could play as at least Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Daisy, if not more. Everyone had a special move, too.
I dreamed I was playing super mario 64. I was on the final bowser level and jumped off a cliff. The there was pokemon eveloution muic. All of a sudden I was playing fox. :eek: I wuz so cool. I had this dream after I bought Super smash bros. Mele.
I also remember when I just unlocked Sea Slide Galaxy (I haven't even played it, I was still at Gold Leaf Galaxy) I dreamed that my school (or at least my class) was in a swimming hall and Sea Slide Galaxy was in it (It looked like a plain ring of water)! I was hoping that I don't lose my glasses while surfing on Manta Ray in the ring of water. :P

Seems I like to dream of watery worlds of 3D-games. :P
my dream

No Mario stuff, that's normal if you play a lot of video games and stuff but this was kind of strange

I'm in summer camp every year and well, after it was over I had a dream we were all sitting at a lake we hiked to and there was a pavillion(spelling on this sucks). And there was a guest speaker talking about something like bones or whatever and I leaned back to see a mask floating. It was red on one side(left) and white on the other(right) it had black eyes with a white ball in the center of the left eye of the mask and there was a red ball on the right side. Like the face had two different sides but the eyes were crossed between the colours. I'll make a picture later... Anywayz, is was smiling in a scary way and I started throwing stuff and screaming at it out of unison and people were ignoring it though they could see it and they were trying to calm me down. My parents told me it's a wall hiding something I need to find out and I'm superstitional(spelling sucks here too if this is a word) and I thought it had to do with ghosts... I was told red, I think, meant anger and white mean serenity and peace, but what would that have to do with anything?

'Nother dream!!!!

So yeah I believe in ghosts and I don't care who laughs at me for it, I wouldn't laugh at you know would I? Well, maybe I would but anyways this dream had to do with ghosts 'cause of mah fearz.

Ok, well I wasn't in this but a family of three, two parents one child, liked to take pictures and when they spent too much money on their hobby they had to sell their items for money, which wasn't nearly enough money for food. Then they were kicked out of their home and they moved over to the bad side of town in my town which is called South Side(the bad part, I'm not telling you what my whole town's name is). And they went over to this sweet store that's the only one that carries a N64 and they bought an olde camera. It was around Christmas so they took a picture of each other with the Christmas tree. When it came out the slot near the bottom, a white, misty figure was in the background.
I dreamt i was in a hospital unconscious and when I got up I had a Wii,
Lol, I've dreamed two times of a plain normal forest. We were going for a walk there and there were some people and they had dogs. It is so normal for a dream that it isn't worth mentioning. :P I just want more posts. :evilgrin: