Time Turner
You are filled with determination. (R/GD/TT)
This is something that I've noticed recently and has drove me nuts since: There are 38 redirects to L33t Hamm3r Broz., all of them being different ways of writing "L33t Hamm3r Broz." in leet speak. I know this was discussed on the talk page, but the solution they came up with was "Create as many redirects as possible!", which, in my opinion, isn't a very good conclusion. Why do we need so many different redirects? What, just because it's in leet it means that we have to create a redirect for every single possibility? I bet half of those redirects don't even get used, let alone linked to. I understand that we need to create a redirect that doesn't have a period or has "Bro" stretched out to "Brother", but there's a point where you've gone too far. So, let's discuss.