National Pet Week


Dry Bowser
Retired Wiki Staff
According to my calender, today begins international pet week. Does anyone own any pets?

I don't have a pet, though I used to own some pet fish. I wanted to use a picture of all the pets the main six character of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (plus Spike) have, but I couldn't find a good one. Anyone care to post one here, along with perhaps a picture of their own pet?
I also had a goldfish. But one day, my uncle decided to overfeed it during one visit a few years back. That probably wasn't the greatest idea in the world.
Used to have a cat, but it died when I was three. The cat from over the road usually comes into our garden, though.
I've had a lot of cats. I currently have 6, I believe.
I have a Chocolate Lab, A.K.A Big Brown Dog that slobbers me every single chance it gets
Maltese/shih-tzu cross dog, and a Turkish van cat. We put down our bichon frise last week because he became violent.