Linking to a Post


Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
Henry Tucayo Clay

Is there a way to link to an specific post without showing the rest of the thread? Links like these ( are not quite what I'm looking for.

I think that is possible on Smash World Forums by adding "postcount=number" and "showpost" instead of "showthread" into the URL, but I'm not sure about here.
As far as I know, I'm pretty sure that there's no way to do that. Quoting would probably be the best thing to do.
Yes, it is possible.
Screenshot should be self explaining.
In that case, that's only possible on a vBulletin-based Forum.
There should be a Plugin around for SMF, but I don't really like that way of Linking.
Can't you just take a screenshot of the post and then quote the screenshot? I know that it's kind of a weird way to solve the problem, but seeing as you can't link to a specific post like you wanted to, but it's the only solution I can see to this problem.

Hope this helped!
Don't forget about Uploading it, and such.
It sounds more like a workaround, rather than a solution. said:
In that case, that's only possible on a vBulletin-based Forum.
There should be a Plugin around for SMF, but I don't really like that way of Linking.
Like BMGf