SSBB Vault help


Power Star
I have Gecko OS and I use Mac computer and how I can download character from to my Wii by SD card?
Never mind, I will going to use my Dad's PC in living room to download hacks
You have to use a .rar or .zip archive to get most files, since most hacks are compressed in a .zip or .rar archive

Once you get them, extract them to folders created in your SD card

They should be located in the following directory:
(X):\private\wii\app\RSB(X)\pf\Fighter\(Character Name such as koopa or donkey)\
I thought the Helpdesk was for Forum/Wiki-related questions only?

Anyway, you don't need any Windows PC for this, as long as you can use your SD Card.
Just change the path (X):\private\wii\app\RSB(X)\pf\Fighter\(Character Name)\ into /Volumes/(X)/private/wii/app/RSB(X)/pf/Fighter/(Character Name)/, and you'll be good to go. said:
I thought the Helpdesk was for Forum/Wiki-related questions only?

Apparently not much. People have been asking other questions lately and no one has been bothered by it
For Hacked Characters? Nope.
Do there is a video about Brawl character texture by gecko os video at youtube?
Why GeckoOS, while Riivolution is a lot faster?
Do riivolution is better than gecko? Also can I download brawl texture hacks with it and how I can use custon wii home menu?
King DDD said:
Do riivolution is better than gecko? Also can I download brawl texture hacks with it and how I can use custon wii home menu?

Yes it is.

Riivolution can patch the game without a file patch code hack AND it can replace sound files. The only thing going for Gecko is that you can save pictures to the SD card while playing the game.
Riivolution is a Hack Enabler, and nothing more.
GeckoOS is a Region Free Enabler, as well as a Cheat Engine.
Plus, Riivolution is installable on the Wii Home Menu, without the use of WAD Manager.

As for the Custom Themes, I highly disrecommend you to do that, as it will brick your Wii, if you don't know what you're doing.
Even I did this with caution.
I know that custom wii menu can brick my wii, I won't do it and do there is a youtube video about riivolution ssbb hacks on mac?
I don't know what you want to ask, but Riivolution works on your Wii.
Downloading the Hacks, can be done on any kind of Computer, including a 1991 PC with Linux 0.1.
Just as long as your Computer has an Internet Connection, and a way to use an SD Card.
Well, there's still a high chance to brick your Wii, when doing that.
Can you give me directions how to download this hack for riivoultion on Mac?

I want to download this Shy Guy hack for SSBB
I don't know why, but, okay:
1. Go to Aids Tee Tee Pee Double Dot Slash Slash WiiBrew Dot Org (
2. At the left, under "homebrew", click "Applications".
3. Hold CMD, and press F.
4. Type in, "Riivolution" (without the quotes).
5. Click on it.
6. Look at the right, under "Links", click "Download".
7. Now you've downloaded it.
I have Riivoultion yeaterday, I need to know how to download hacks

Do this is right?
Yep, this is right.
You'll need to add Riivolution, to the "apps" folder of your SD Card, like any other Homebrew App.
You wanted Brawl Hacks:

You should read the "readme.txt" file, as well as making a few changes to the "modlauncher.xml" file.