"Spectrum Crunch"


Dry Bowser
Retired Wiki Staff
I just saw this Extra Credits video and it had me a bit concerned...


What it's basically saying is that eventually,we're going to run out of bandwidth in the air to have access to the Internet, among other things such as radio and television.

Any ideas of how to solve this problem?
But this problem only has relevance to Internet Connections that actually come long distance over the air. Wired connections, and even things like LAN, won't be affected at all.

The video makes it sound like suddenly the internet will hit a wall and explode, when really only a fraction of internet use is even going to be affected. It's very alarmist.

Which is certainly a problem, but at worst it's going to require us to lay down more landlines or deal with slower connection speeds. It's not going to be like suddenly the internet is gone forever.
Maybe instead of laying down more landlines, we should send internet through the electric lines.

We have the technology to, and there are many electric lines out there.