Tabuu's Ultimate Userpedian Crackfic (Series?): The Mansion Incident of 2012


also I hang out here, I guess
Wikitionary said:
Crackfic - A work of fan fiction that is absurd, surprising or ridiculous.
Tabuu said:
...with USERS!

a.k.a. anarchy reigns

Yes, that's right. I'm returning to crackfics. The prospect of this dosage of drug-induced user literature revolves around a metric fuckton of users gathering in Porple's mansion- a rather original idea, if I do say so myself- and having a wild party, with drinks ranging from milk to martini, and many shenanigans to go along with it.

You can sign up here, but it won't guarantee you a spot.

I know that comes off as biased of me, but remember: I want to keep people as in-character as I can, as opposed to making vague guesses and assumptions about your personalities and working with those. If this gets enough reviews, I'll make a sequel sometime- and if you've taken the time to let me get to know you by then, your spot is practically guaranteed.
Travis Touchdown said:
I want to keep people as in-character as I can, as opposed to making vague guesses and assumptions about your personalities and working with those.
this obviously means me

I'll sign up.

also guys Stooben happens to be an uprising musican so this like
should give you an idea how awesome I am
Hell yeah, you can sign me up.
Hey hey hey what happened to the last one where you died or something

and also you know I'm in. if only because Javelin Noir is such an awesome name
Jack Noir said:
Red Barchetta said:
Count me in, I suppose. If that's OK, of course.
I suppose that you suppose that Tabuu supposes that it's okay.
And I suppose that you suppose that I suppose that Tabuu supposes that it's okay.

(in other words, sure, why not)
I hereby sign up.
The Mansion Incident of 2012 said:
"Fuck the rules!" Ephidel screamed, "I have no money!"

^one of the best lines someone has had me say in a story

overall, that was great, even though I feel remorse when the "PTR was heartbroken" line came up :[
Before I finish reading, I just want to point out that there's a random switch to first person in the second part.

Back to reading.


Okay, nice job. This is epic. It bounced between around between different users a bit too much in my opinion, but still awesome.