Artemis Fowl


Artisanal Cheese Taster
A book series about a criminal mastermind and his shenanigans that involve fairies.

The last book just came out about a week ago. Any other fans on here?
Yeah, we also completed the series. The last one is pretty good, though it does have its flaws, it could have been a lot worse.

also I'm really upset at how little Opal there was, though I guess a lot of people were sick of her anyway.
Which book is your favorite? I personally liked Books 3-5 the best, though I haven't read them in a while so I'm a bit foggy on them.
Eternity Code was pretty sweet, too. I wish Spiro or Blunt had made a comeback instead of Opal showing up in every damn book.
The third book was definitely the funniest. I actually liked Atlantis Complex a lot too, probably because Foaly has a bigger role than normal.

My favorite would definitely be the fifth one though. Minerva totally should have returned as a recurring character.

Best quotes from the series:

"Baloney? Hey, that's an insult! Are you insulting us, little man?"
"Finally, a breakthrough."
Pex & Chips and Mulch, The Eternity Code

"The Ice Cube does far more than make ice."
"Does it make popsicles too?"
Artemis and Foaly (paraphrased), The Atlantis Complex

"I should be getting bonus points for this. Or at the very least a free life."
Foaly, The Lost Colony

Oh, and the best character in the entire series would have to be Butler. With Artemis, Foaly and Mulch right behind.
exactly my point!
also, Part 5 coming soon, with maybe an Epilogue after it

also I'm in the process of reading the new book now, dun spoil

Starting the book off with the collapse of modern civilization? Colfer's outdone himself.
[me=Travis Touchdown]has won. Fortunately for Jack_Noir, Travis isn't as prone to bragging as he is.[/me]


just kidding, let's talk more about Artemis Fowl

favorite moment in the series?
The part when Orion revealed himself to Turnball was pretty awesome in the Atlantis Complex.

Other than that it would probably be the escape from Chateau Paradizo or the bit at the top of Hybras.
And the troll duel scene from the original is still one of the all-time best duels in fiction.

so since so much about the series is awesome

what are you guys' most disliked moments, characters, etc.?

I never really liked Juliet much. She's okay, but really just a less cool Butler. Who doesn't use guns.

I also thought the final confrontation with Spiro in the Eternity Code was kind of lame.