[Game] Mario Pick Up


The game

Pick Up Mario is a puzzle game where you play the famous plumber Mario.
The goal is to catch as much part of which falls from the sky. The more you collect, the more time between each piece of spawn decreases!

The operation is very simple:

You start the game with three lives.
When you pick up a piece you earn one point. Instead, if you do not catch it you lose a life.
Once 0 lives, the game is lost.

Spawn time between each piece decreases as the score increases, here are the features:

- Score below 10: 3s spawn
- Score 10 to 30: 2s spawn
- Score 30 to 50: 1s spawn
- Score above 10: 0.7 s spawn


The menu:

The game:


You can download the game to your website:


Once you launch the game, a launcher will appear. Leave the default resolution is 1280x720!

Comments or suggestions

I'm looking for ideas for version 2 of the game I'm open to any suggestions or remarks about him.

I thank those who take the time to test the game and will post their comments / suggestions.

Good game!
Let me guess, Windows only again?
It looks pretty good, so far.
Nice concept.
I'd love to play this game, but I would like it more if it had a starman.