Worms World Party discussion


Banned User
There wasn't a topic for my favorite FPS game Worms World Party so I made one.

So, World World Party is a game that Worms with disembodied hands battle each other with weapons such as bazookas, guns, explosive animals, a old woman that also explodes, jetpacks, ninja ropes, bungee jumps, explosive bananas, explosive carpets, concrete donkeys, axes, etc.

There was a sequel called Worms Armageddon which was far more fun.
The best weapon by far is the Holy Hand Grenade. No other weapon compares for tactical tomfoolery, amazingly quirky attacks from the sky, and sheer "screw the consequences" suicide bombing.

Also, since when is Worms World Party a FPS?
Okay. That doesn't make it a First Person Shooter.
I didn't have Worms World Party, but I had Armageddon, and, from what I can tell, there aren't a huge amount of differences. And I'm pretty sure Armageddon came first.

Either way, Worms Armageddon is still one of my favourite games of all time. My favourite weapon is the Banana Bomb/Super Banana Bomb.
I like the banana too. Also, there's a Concrete Donkey weapon. I bet you got your username from this >:3
I know there's a Concrete Donkey. That's indeed where I got my username from.