Stupidity/Embarrassing/Funny Video Game Stories


Remember that time you played a game when you were little and did or thought something totally stupid that you can look back on and find hilarious now? :rolleyes: Yeah, that one. Post that down below. DO IT! :posh:

Here's my two stories:
Everyone who has a brain knows about pokemon gold. When I was a kid, I remember how the red-haired rival came up to me and dropped his ID which said his name was ???. Later, the police asked me for his name. Not realizing I could name my rival, I, like a good witness, gave the cops his exact name. For the entire game I had a rival named ???.

Yoshi's island is my favorite game ever, so I find it funny that only recently I learned the truth behind something about it. When I was a kid, I'd play with my brother, and we'd always call the blaargs "Lava Monster" and "Water Monster". It wasn't until I was 15 and looking up stuff on Mario Wiki that I learned these were not the real names of these enemies. I thought they were for 15 years. (Also, Water Monster is much cooler then Nep-enut.)
Re: Stupidity/Embarrasing Video Game Stories

calling enemies by the wrong name is not embarassing as the game never actually tells you thats their name and its not like youre not forced to remember it or anything.

being a foreigner I used to live in guatemala for the first part of my life and games sold were definitely not translated to spanish. so when I got banjo-tooie i played through the whole thing (not understanding the plot, first of all) and finally at the end I got to gruntildas quiz. impossible. it wasnt until about four years later that I could go back and beat it after i had moved and learned english. not exactly an "embarrassing" story but its the only thing I could think of

protip dont buy video games if you live in a third world country man
Re: Stupidity/Embarrasing Video Game Stories

When I first played OoT, I ragequit after being unable to find the Kokiri Sword (want to say that was in '99 or so). It wasn't until I bought the game in 2010 on the Virtual Console that I was able to find the sword, finally leave Kokiri Forest, and eventually beat the game (which I happened to do four days before OoT3D came out...suffice to say that I had a much easier time on the 3DS).
Re: Stupidity/Embarrasing Video Game Stories

This one isn't stupid, it's just really funny.

I was playing Kirby's Return to Dreamland and was in world 6. There's one level with a section at the end where there are 3 conveyor belts stacked on each other with space in between. Rock guys go left, then right, then left and then fall. After the rock guys were gone, I told my brother (we were playing co-op), "Hey, want to turn into a rock and ride down this conveyor belt?" He agreed, but the rocks were all gone. We were about to leave, when we noticed the leaf power up. So we both got leaf, and I once again said "Hey, want to turn into a pile of leaves and ride down these conveyor belts?" So we go up, and, about to turn into a leaf pile, I press the wrong button. I enter a door, and we've found a secret HAL room.

I wished forever after that that that had been taped, but oh well.
Re: Stupidity/Embarrasing Video Game Stories

Byakuya Togami said:
When I first played OoT, I ragequit after being unable to find the Kokiri Sword (want to say that was in '99 or so). It wasn't until I bought the game in 2010 on the Virtual Console that I was able to find the sword, finally leave Kokiri Forest, and eventually beat the game (which I happened to do four days before OoT3D came out...suffice to say that I had a much easier time on the 3DS).
If you look around well, it's so easy to find the sword.
Back then, I was used to games in which the character already has a means of defending himself or herself.
Re: Stupidity/Embarrasing Video Game Stories

shockwave527 said:
This one isn't stupid, it's just really funny.

I was playing Kirby's Return to Dreamland and was in world 6. There's one level with a section at the end where there are 3 conveyor belts stacked on each other with space in between. Rock guys go left, then right, then left and then fall. After the rock guys were gone, I told my brother (we were playing co-op), "Hey, want to turn into a rock and ride down this conveyor belt?" He agreed, but the rocks were all gone. We were about to leave, when we noticed the leaf power up. So we both got leaf, and I once again said "Hey, want to turn into a pile of leaves and ride down these conveyor belts?" So we go up, and, about to turn into a leaf pile, I press the wrong button. I enter a door, and we've found a secret HAL room.

I wished forever after that that that had been taped, but oh well.
I found that room. It's pretty cool.
For the longest time, I could not finish a race in NASCAR Thunder 2003. I kept crashing.

Then I learned how to brake.
Re: Stupidity/Embarrasing Video Game Stories

Byakuya Togami said:
When I first played OoT, I ragequit after being unable to find the Kokiri Sword (want to say that was in '99 or so). It wasn't until I bought the game in 2010 on the Virtual Console that I was able to find the sword, finally leave Kokiri Forest, and eventually beat the game (which I happened to do four days before OoT3D came out...suffice to say that I had a much easier time on the 3DS).
same here.
I got totally freaked out the very first time I got to Andross in Star Fox 64. That's one ugly sumbitch right there.
When I was in 3rd grade, I never saw the door on the right in Madame Clairvoya's room in Luigi's Mansion so I was stuck there for a long time.

And when I first got Brawl, I wasted all my hammers on the challenges before I even OWNED the game. (I rented it twice before buying it)

And finally, I never knew what those medals in the Kirby's Epic Yarn levels (the ones that trigger the star sections on the roulette wheel at the end) until I beat the game.
'3K said:
I got totally freaked out the very first time I got to Andross in Star Fox 64. That's one ugly sumbitch right there.

I think I freaked out when I saw Andross, as well.

Plus, Pigma and Andrew kind of freaked me out.