PETA attacks Pokemon


Artisanal Cheese Taster
I'm confused as to why PETA decides to complain about new games when this sort of thing spans decades.
sorry guys but this is actually great

So I've played the game, and... it's actually not that bad. While it fails miserably as a petition against Pokemon, it's still a good and genuinely funny parody in the midst of its bloody violence. At least some of the people who worked on the game must be fans of the series.
So they try to protect animal basically making a bloody animal killing game?

PETA's logic.
Radagast the Brown said:
So they try to protect animal basically making a bloody animal killing game?

PETA's logic.
No, it's the Pokemon fighting against the humans for sticking them in Pokeballs and forcing them to fight. And now that I've finished the game, I can safely say that everyone involved with it is a Pokemon fan.

Nothing new here guys
Everyone thinks they're stupid

Even themselves.
They should just go back to good old, illegal violence.

I don't know where the fuck they get off with making bloody, psychotic games, to try and teach about peace and harmony.

Fuck that. I treat my dog well enough, so don't even TRY and target a fun game for kids. Why don't they do their research, and blow down the doors of houses of people who give a damn?
The game also offers some bonus stuffs. The first is a generic "Look at how animals are treated!" video...

The second is a wallpaper based on the game...

And the final one are actual printable cards.

They knew this was a dumb idea from the start.