What was your first ever Game?


What was your first ever video game? Mine is Super Mario Land: 6 Golden Coins. I remember discovering the easy mode, and always using it. What was yours?
Rachit and Clank for the PS2.

Miss it a lot.
Pokemon Snap.
Super Mario 64.
I didn't even know what the hell I had to do, because I didn't know any English word, back then.
Actually, I've never heard of "English", back when I first got it.
I got my first 4 games with a DS for my birthday.

The first one I played was Diddy Kong Racing, which I don't have anymore. :(
either backyard football 2002 or star wars: starfighter
It was a Leap Frog game, so I guess it doesn't count...
My first game was Super Mario World. I watched my sister play it as a baby and then when I got a bit older I started to play it and I loved it. Still love it to this day!